Who is suitable for silver and who is suitable for gold? Feng Shui rules

Silver is not a metal for them: which zodiac sign should not wear it?

At a time when there was still no electricity, and the creation of the philosopher's stone was a priority, silver was used in various rituals and ceremonies. Our ancestors believed that this metal was able to ward off misfortune and negative energy from its owner. Silver also cleanses the soul and protects against diseases. The only pity is that, like gold, not all zodiac signs can wear it.

general characteristics

It is contraindicated to constantly wear silver jewelry for representatives of the earthly elements (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo). They either need to take off their accessories for a few days or give them up altogether.

Fire zodiac signs should also avoid silver, but for Pisces and Cancer, silver jewelry can only be beneficial.

For some zodiac signs, this metal is categorically contraindicated, as it can attract misfortune and illness into their lives.

Silver for Cancer

Cancer women should pay attention to the combination of silver and blue diamond that is good for them. For them, this stone, reinforced with a precious setting, can serve faithfully in all areas of life. He will bring prosperity, joy, stability, warmth and comfort to the family. The relationship between all family members will become even stronger, and if there were conflicts and grievances, then everything will be resolved.

In the professional sphere, a representative of the Cancer sign will become even more successful or achieve the success he strived for. A silver amulet will bring new impressions, help refresh your senses and look at life from a different angle. If there are debts in life, both material and mental, such an amulet will help you say goodbye to them as soon as possible.

If you have health problems, silver for cancer will certainly help solve them.

It has a beneficial effect on organs such as:

  • Vision;
  • Digestive system;
  • Heart and blood vessels;
  • Lymphatic system.


It is very strange that Scorpio, the most mystical representative of the zodiac circle, is contraindicated in silver. Scorpios are smart, they know what they are doing and why, and are always ready to conquer new heights. It's interesting to communicate with these people. But astrologers advise avoiding silver jewelry, as it causes an energy imbalance. Silver suppresses the best character traits of Scorpios, making them irritable, lazy and unable to make decisions.

Aries are born leaders. They are bright, charismatic and are used to seeing the world in bright colors. Silver jewelry can bring bad luck to Aries. This metal negatively affects their mind and abilities, and can cause sadness, apathy and worsen their health. Not only is it undesirable for Aries to wear silver, it is better for them not to touch it.

Gold is more suitable for bright, fiery and strong-willed Leos. Leos are used to being leaders in their own lives, they love luxury and strive for high social status. Silver will make them vulnerable and irritable, and they will stop finishing the things they start.

What crystals are suitable for Leos?

Other suitable crystals for Leo are carnelian, black onyx, rose quartz and red garnet. Traditionally it is believed that the zodiac sign is closely related to the life of the heart. Its representatives tend to hide heart wounds.

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Silver jewelry suppresses the strength of Capricorns and their confidence in the future. Representatives of this sign may experience nervousness, be inattentive and absent-minded. Silver causes Capricorns to have a lot of doubts about themselves and their decisions.

Silver jewelry can cause severe headaches for representatives of this zodiac sign. In addition, this metal attracts failures in business, makes Libra insecure and hot-tempered, which is why they commit rash acts.

Finding out whether astrologers' assumptions are correct or not is very simple. Try wearing silver jewelry for a month, then take it off (and don’t even touch the silver), and after two weeks you can take stock.


Who is silver not suitable for?

Serious health consequences can result from wearing silver jewelry in cases where this metal is not suitable for a person.

Then the manifestation of headaches, nervousness, dizziness, unmotivated fussiness and inflammation of the earlobes around the holes for silver earrings is likely. In such cases, silver jewelry should be abandoned.

The body's reaction will depend on the person's health and sensitivity. Recent serious illnesses, stress, and nervous strain make such a person more vulnerable to wearing silver.

A sensitive person can almost immediately feel discomfort if some metal does not suit him. But how often do we listen to ourselves in the everyday bustle around us?

Silver does not like people who are ruthless and emotionally impoverished. It either brings them great misfortune or tries to escape from them.

What are Taurus good at?

They love comfort and expensive, luxurious things. Taurus are partial to beautiful and solid furnishings that decorate the house. They are very hardworking and responsible and demand the same from the people around them. Taurus never takes risks to achieve his goal; he always thinks carefully about all his actions, avoiding haste.

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Who is the gold for?

Those for whom gold is more suitable include the “spring” and “autumn” color types. These are people with warm skin tones ranging from peach to golden beige, light brown or brown hair, and light or green eyes. For women of the autumn type, red gold is also suitable. Gold is also suitable for “summer” and “winter”, but in cold shades - white or platinum.

Which zodiac signs suit gold? Gold is considered a “solar” metal that can activate hidden vital forces, and for fire signs it can be a quite powerful source of energy. For this reason, this metal is primarily suitable for Aries, Taurus and Leo - they can wear gold jewelry almost without taking it off. In general, gold suits all fire and earth signs of the Zodiac, but they should periodically remove their gold jewelry. Air and water signs, on the contrary, should refrain from buying yellow gold jewelry and choose white gold or an alloy of gold and silver.

When choosing jewelry, you should think not only about which zodiac sign silver or gold is suitable for, but also what jewelry is recommended for you based on your color type. It is important to remember that the decoration should also be in harmony with your style. The material from which the jewelry is made is not as important in this case as the joy it brings.

Are white and yellow gold worn at the same time?

Yes. Energetically they are the same metal, the difference is only aesthetic. Palladium and rhodium are added to white gold; the color of the alloy changes, but not its structure. White and yellow shades of gold are harmoniously combined in one piece of jewelry. In addition, the product will not provoke allergies, as is the case with silver and gold, which are combined in one piece of jewelry.

But doctors note that many people may develop contact dermatitis after contact with white gold, the product may turn black and the jewelry will lose its beauty. This is due to the fact that nickel can be added to the alloy; it is this metal that provokes allergies.

European countries have passed a law that prohibits the use of nickel in white gold. In our country, nickel is introduced into the white gold alloy, but it is increasingly being replaced with rhodium and palladium. That is why it is worth asking the manufacturer what he introduced into the alloy.

Who is silver suitable for?

Silver in all centuries was considered an exclusively female metal, with a pronounced energy of the Moon. This metal favors those born under the zodiac signs of Cancer and Pisces.

Silver jewelry works well for people with a deep emotional nature. Such people need to have more silver items in their home and also wear silver jewelry.

Since silver has a cooling effect, jewelry made from it is generally suitable for young people.

It is necessary to take into account that silver loves its owner very much and does not like to change its owner.

If silver suits a person, it will help develop his patience, endurance and willpower.

Silver is found in small quantities in the human body. If a person experiences a shortage of this metal, he tries to make up for it, usually through excessive consumption of sweets. Such people, suffering from a lack of silver, are fussy in their movements and actions, with hasty speech. It would be wiser for them to wear silver jewelry and drink silver water .


Silver is a lunar metal, the finest conductor, transmitter and transformer of astral vibrations. The spiritual structure of silver can reflect the emotional state of a person. Silver can store information about the owner’s emotional world. Silver can remove and redistribute negative energy and therefore can be used to cleanse a person’s energy field. It can also compensate for the energy of the stomach and duodenum. Its widespread use in the Orthodox cult speaks for itself: this metal is an excellent water purifier and antiseptic. It is possible and beneficial to put silver in drinking water and infuse it. What can provide a person with such care and protection? Of course, Luna. Silver corresponds to this planet. In the event of an astral attack, it will take the blow and darken.


Gold jewelry should not be worn by people with very strong energy, otherwise they risk becoming restless and angry. Gold enhances any strong emotions, including negative ones, so it is contraindicated for people under stress.

Gold jewelry always puts a little pressure on the biofield, so you shouldn’t wear it when you have to work a lot and hard - physically, emotionally or intellectually.

This metal motivates well and charges with enthusiasm, but at the same time it interferes with concentration, and can be a burden for a tired person.

For Pisces and Scorpios, gold can knock down a positive attitude, cutting off sources of positive energy, and for Aries, Leo and Taurus, it can increase aggression, to which these signs are prone, so they should avoid massive and large gold items.

Virgos are better off choosing copper and bronze accessories that will strengthen their connection with the earth and be closer to their practical nature.

What is gold

Gold (Aurum) is the most expensive of metals. And the rarest, although there are gold inclusions everywhere: in the earth, rivers, seas. But extracting it is expensive and difficult. To extract 29 grams of gold sand, 2.5-3 tons of ore are processed. But this amount of gold is enough to make a thin sheet with an area of ​​9.3 km or a wire 5 km long. It is so malleable in processing.

Since pure gold is too soft, when creating dazzling jewelry, jewelers add other metals (called “ligatures”) to it for strength. Did you know that your favorite gold ring can contain zinc, palladium, copper, nickel or platinum? Depending on the material included, the color of the jewelry also changes.

Mysterious appearance

Where did this amazing substance come to our earth? Scientists still have not found the answer; some studies say that gold is a cosmic metal, and it came to us as a result of asteroid bombardments of the earth’s surface. Alien metal became the cause of bloody wars. Gold was stolen and hidden in caches and treasures. Who hasn't dreamed of finding a treasure chest as a child!

There is a famous legend (or true story?) about a golden idol. The ancient Slavs worshiped the goddess of silence and tranquility. According to legend, the deity turned into a woman made of pure gold. The cult object has been sought for many centuries. The advent of the Christian religion did not diminish the honor of the precious metal. Church domes were covered with gold leaf; for Christians, the gold metal was considered a symbol of greatness, faith and eternity.

Sensitive people noted that while standing in churches and temples, they felt how negative energy was “pulled out” of the body, and in return, beneficial warmth arrived. The noble metal has been an attribute of power, respect and honor in all centuries. Why is it so loved?

Solar symbol

Gold is a strong talisman of the Sun. Just as the heavenly body gives life to those living on earth, so gold is a source of powerful strength for owners of the precious metal. Astrologers attribute the solar metal to the zodiac signs of the Earth (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo). Representatives of these signs are able to fully utilize the energy of metal. But for water signs (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer) it is of no use.

Ancient rituals.

Almost all the peoples inhabiting the planet used a unique metal when performing various rituals. The craze is associated with the belief that the golden energy of the sun protects humanity from hostile forces. They used gold in rituals of good, light-bringing magic.

German-Slavic traditions.

Gold helped representatives of these tribes see off the harsh winter and welcome spring with hope. The precious metal in the hands of the spellcasters persuaded the cold to leave the earth so that the spring drops could establish their rights.


The priests of distant hot countries introduced wedding rings and the exchange of them during betrothal into fashion. They made the decoration a symbol of eternal love and devotion. Talismans were worn on the left hand using the middle finger. It was believed that an invisible thread passed through the middle finger, connecting the body with the soul living in the heart. When the love talisman was worn for a long time, the finger acquired powerful strength and worked to protect the owner from evil spirits.

The power of gold

Zlato respects generous, not greedy people with an established way of life. It favors travelers and risk-takers. But the solar talisman will not help money-grubbers, lazy people and scoundrels. The gold metal leaves such individuals. The most valuable thing for people is family gold treasures, passed down through generations. Such decorations carry such a powerful energy charge that parting with them can bring disaster to your home.

Stolen gold brings misfortune. His thoughts are too pure and powerful to be in the hands of dishonest people. Golden things get used to the owner and are saturated with human energy. Therefore, after the death of a person, it is advised to hide his gold jewelry from prying eyes for 40 days. You need to be careful with this metal!

Gold is not transferred to “recharge”. The substance absorbs the originally laid down program so strongly that it retains it even when melted. If a golden amulet contains a setting, it is no longer possible to change it. Therefore, be sensitive to such surprises from friends, antique things (you don’t know what the fate of the previous owners was). Don't wear wedding rings after a divorce - it's a bad omen, get rid of them.

Healing properties of silver

Silver jewelry, properties of silver

Silver has been used in medicine for more than 2 thousand years. In the 19th century, the bactericidal properties of activated silver water received scientific justification.

It was found that the therapeutic effect of silver lies in its effect on microorganisms. Silver does not destroy beneficial microorganisms living in the air and water, but only kills pathogens.

A phenomenal ability under the influence of silver ions for the rapid reproduction and regeneration of fibroblast cells was also discovered, which indicates that the possibility of silver preparations for the treatment of cancer tumors has not yet been fully studied.

Just as a copper plate and a copper cross served as a preventive measure during cholera epidemics, so a silver item can protect against infectious diseases.

Silver improves vision, strengthens the heart, helps with urological diseases, exhaustion, heartburn, and also eliminates the smell of sweat.

Silver is the metal of the Moon, and it has a cooling effect on the human body. In ancient times, it was not for nothing that there was a custom to store water in silver vessels. During military campaigns, military leaders drank from silver goblets, and suffered from infectious diseases much less often than ordinary soldiers who used tin goblets.

This indicates the high bactericidal properties of silver, which protects against gastric and pulmonary diseases.

If you hold a silver product in your mouth, your thirst will be quenched.

What is silver

Silver (Argentums) is a noble metal that has been familiar to humanity for millennia. Just like gold, silver is found in nature in native form. The largest known nugget weighed 14 tons. It is the first metal used by people to make household utensils, dishes and jewelry.

Silver owes its name to the Sanskrit language (translated as “light”). As we accumulated life experience, our ancestors noticed that this amazing element had the strongest magical properties and powerful cleansing power.

From the archives of history, the story of the hardships of the army of Alexander the Great has reached us. When the great commander triumphantly entered India, his soldiers were struck by a severe illness in the form of a painful indigestion. But the warlords were spared the disease - after all, they ate from silver bowls! The poor soldiers ate from a tin vessel.

Are you baptized? A silver coin is first dropped into the font where babies are immersed when they are baptized. Water, after standing for some time in a silver bowl, acquires healing properties. Ancient peoples used silver vessels to disinfect liquids. And the first settlers of North America prevented milk from turning sour by throwing a silver dollar into a milk can.


Silver metal is sacred, it is a symbol of the mysterious Moon (alchemists designated silver with the crescent sign). Alchemists respected this metal. The mystical substance was used to make powerful amulets.

The Egyptians valued silver bars more than gold bars; the inhabitants of Scandinavia worshiped it, considering the silver element to be the most miraculous. It was used in religious and occult rituals as a conductor of moonlight and a reflector of the magical properties of the heavenly night body.

Silver was especially praised by the cults of the Moon - it was valued for its natural connection with the nocturnal inhabitant of the sky. Silver coins helped determine whether a person was under a curse. The silver metal, absorbing negative energy, darkened. The element also changed color on sick people who were energetically depleted.

The sinlessly pure element, carrying with it coldness and bewitching attractiveness, demonstrated unique abilities:

  • Helped the spiritual enlightenment of the human soul.
  • He ennobled people's mental messages.
  • Absorbed negative information.
  • He cured illnesses.
  • Healed wounds.

Representatives of ancient peoples constantly wore amulets made of lunar metal to protect against the influence of black forces, and the archaic Persians were sure that the noble metal prolonged life and increased health.

Esotericists say

It has been noticed that silver turns black differently on people. This is explained by the astral human nature, with innate spiritual properties. Silver is a representative of the purest incorruptible spirit. His heightened astral fluids helped dead souls get in touch. This is the metal of spiritualism professionals. Miraculous holy relics are carefully preserved in silver vessels, and silver bells drive away wicked devils.

Silver jewelry.

Remember that the lunar assistant becomes attached to the owner and is saturated with his energy. It will be difficult for him to change his owner. Wearing silver items helps to develop the paranormal abilities inherent in a person. How best to wear it:

  • In chains.
    Silver chains help the owner find a way out of complicated situations and guide him on the right path to resolving the conflict.
  • In rings, rings.
    It is recommended to decorate the fingers with silver rings for timid, timid people. Metal will add courage and self-confidence.
  • In earrings.
    Be careful with silver earrings. Such decorations have the ability to confuse human thoughts and make him “wander” in the darkness of his own mind.
  • In bracelets
    . Beautiful decorations, but without magical powers. Silver in bracelets has no effect on personality.

Astrologers advise purchasing silver jewelry on the 12th lunar day. Place the new product in clean water and keep it there for 1-2 hours. Then drink water - cleanse the body, and the metal will quickly get used to its owner.

Silver is an ideal substance for making amulets. It absorbs the necessary information better than other metals and retains the magical effect inherent in it. The effect of talismans is enhanced on a moonlit night. It is recommended to place silver items on the lunar path during a full moon to recharge.

It is important!

Know that gold and silver jewelry becomes your protector. These metals accept and absorb the energy of their hosts, becoming a source of certain impulses. By giving your gold/silver items to your friends for temporary use, you risk giving away your health too! Don't wear other people's jewelry or borrow your own!

Gold and styles.

If you have a long, patterned oriental dress, for example, you could support its national flair with bold gold hoop earrings, a gold cuff, or hammered gold dangle earrings.

The main thing is that they look a little imperfect for a true artisan, as if you found them on the open market.

If they are sports style hoops, look for ones that have a stamped pattern that looks like it has been branded into the metal.

If your gold cuff contains gemstones, make sure they are of different sizes and have an organic-looking cut and finish.

You can even weave a few thin gold necklaces into your hair, like a ribbon. You can also weave some of them together to imitate a custom-made helmet.

Just as the gold in this look lacks a little sparkle, you want to be a little casual with your hair and makeup.

Tousled curls, braids or hair tied in a high bun should be offset by applied eyeliner and lightly colored lips.

Bronzer should be applied to your cheekbones, forehead and nose to maintain the warm metallic tones.

Navy blue or elegant styles look especially good with gold accents. The sophistication of this look calls for thin, flawless gold hoops, studs, or a necklace with a single stone or design.

The key is to stick to basic shapes that won't compete with tailoring or simple patterns.

When gold is paired with these styles, it's best to have an edgy edge to your hair and makeup.

A low, curled ponytail with blunt bangs or an asymmetrical bob allows simple jewelry to shine. A perfect red lip or a stunning '60s cat eye will complete the overall look.

Gold goes especially well with a sleek retro style.

A military-style jacket or lace-trimmed chemise can look truly stunning when paired with delicate cast gold earrings in the shape of swallows, tree branches or leaves.

Mysticism and Alchemy

From the point of view of an astrologer and alchemist, silver is a symbol of spiritual purity. This is a virgin metal associated with something intimate, deep, hidden inside. Silver is associated with some of our hidden properties and states, which, under certain conditions, can sometimes be revealed and then hidden again. Silver is very strongly associated with prayer - which is why icon frames are often made of silver. Working with many astral forces and entities, contact with them can only be carried out through silver. Rings and rings with stones set in silver allow you to retain the subtle power of these stones. Silver alloys also contribute to this. If you have a stone that has been working for a long time and has become depleted, its strength can be restored by placing it in a silver cap or thimble for several days or months. Or simply wrap this stone tightly in thick silver foil. The main thing is that at least two faces of the stone come into contact with the silver.

Silver mainly acts on a person’s soul, on his subconscious, forcing him to plunge into the inner world. Silver also affects the emotional nature, awakens impressionability and subtle sensitivity. For delicate, sensitive people, silver can often awaken fantasies and make them dreamy. In the worst case, such a person, under the influence of silver, can become so immersed in illusions that he will not distinguish what is desired from what is actually realized. People who are too thin should not wear silver all the time. Magic weapons are made from silver alloys: since silver is a conductor of the energies of the subtle world connected with the divine world of our soul, any evil spirits devoid of a soul cannot tolerate it. In astral battles, black magicians struck by silver weapons simply burn out energetically. And silver bells drive away demons.

After cleansing the patient’s energy field with silver (and only very pure silver is needed), it is also necessary to treat its field with copper in order to harmonize its energy. A purified person comes into a subtle state and actively vibrates.

Copper can calm it down and harmonize overly active areas.

The sensitivity and variability inherent in the subtle nature of silver even have their material embodiment, material manifestation in the properties of its compounds. When exposed to small doses of light, even single elementary particles, silver halides (silver bromide and silver iodide) decompose, releasing silver in the form of a black powder. This is successfully used in photography. Silver items also turn black. Different people's silver turns black at different rates. It depends on the astral nature of a person, on the properties of his soul. The black substance on silver is silver oxide and silver sulfide in different proportions.

Caring for silver jewelry

  • Tarnished silver jewelry can be placed in a soap solution for 15 minutes, then rinsed and polished with cloth.
  • To restore the shine of silver jewelry, you can also dip it in potato broth for 10 minutes.
  • Washing in a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia helps restore shine - take one tablespoon per 1 liter of water.
  • The following method is successfully used for cleaning silver products: the solution is brought to a boil (one tablespoon of salt and the shells of two chicken eggs are added to one liter of water). Silver items are immersed in a boiling solution for 15 seconds. After boiling, they should be thoroughly washed and wiped dry with a cloth.
  • If your silver jewelry is very tarnished, you can simply wipe it down with baking soda or tooth powder using a flannel. Then rinse with water

Orange autumn.

Summer is not the only time when gold accessories look chic and fashionable. Rich shades of deep orange, marigold and chocolate brown are typical for fall, and they also pair easily with gold.

Whimsical ring designs can add a touch of femininity, while short, matte gold accessories look fresh and modern.

Citrine, orange sapphire and fire opals look stunning in gold jewelry, and stone sizes can be adjusted to create a subtle accessory or a bold statement.

Try pairing natural makeup with a dramatic, cutting-edge cat eye to complete your fall look.

Choosing silver jewelry: expert advice

Silver is a precious metal that, unlike platinum, gold, and many precious alloys, is affordable for almost everyone. And even if you are not mentally ready to replace your home set with silver, most likely you would not mind pampering yourself with a new accessory made of this noble metal...

Silver jewelry - how to look like a million by spending only a thousand?

The secret of silver jewelry is simple: you need to know how to wear it. Silver is the second most popular precious metal after gold, but thanks to its neutral, cool gray-white color, it suits many more people. Silver is especially suitable for those who:

  • bright skin;
  • blue or light gray eyes;
  • black or platinum hair color.

If you are scrupulous about dress codes, you should know that in these cases silver is preferable to other metals:

  • a business meeting;
  • resort (before dinner);
  • official event (not a banquet);
  • visit to relatives.

In these cases, it is better to wear discreet silver jewelry without stones or inserts:

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Silver for Scorpio

This precious metal does not have much influence on Scorpios; for them it is neutral. Accordingly, if a woman really wants to have jewelry with it, she can afford it, because it will not cause damage, but you shouldn’t expect any beneficial influence from it either. For her, it is nothing more than just a piece of jewelry.

It's the same for men. For Scorpio, silver is just an accessory, decoration, an item of luxury, style and status. Just a material thing without any interaction. If Scorpio wants to feel the impact of precious metals, then he should pay attention to gold.

Gold of Turkey and Egypt. Why so cheap?

Those who have visited markets and jewelry stalls in Turkey and Egypt often ask the same question about the low cost of gold jewelry.

The reason is quite simple and it lies in the low cost of additional metals for the alloy. There is no use of silver with platinum or palladium. The base alloy here is copper. And as a result, jewelry purchased inexpensively quickly becomes unusable, as its color fades. These jewelry items are not weather resistant and may burst at low temperatures.

Egyptian gold jewelry also does not differ in quality. Despite the more pronounced shine of the product than their Russian counterparts, Egyptian ones have a gray tint. These products are also afraid of low temperatures and are completely unstable to atmospheric influences.

Gold with silver

Since gold and silver have different, actually opposite, biofields, they should be worn together with great caution. This should absolutely not be done by contradictory, unbalanced people who are subject to frequent mood swings.

This combination is especially harmful in youth, when views on life have not yet been established, and the personality is very receptive and impressionable.

The more gold and silver items you wear, the more their energy fields collide. If your evening look requires a lot of jewelry, you should be especially careful to ensure that they are made of the same metal. If you love both metals equally and are not ready to make a choice in favor of one, it is better to wear them alternately.

How to combine and wear silver correctly

Silver jewelry transforms any wardrobe. They go equally well with a sweater and an evening dress. But you need to know how to wear silver correctly. Stylists give several tips that, if followed, will always make you look elegant:

  • Don't forget about the color combination. Silver is ideal for a wardrobe in cool colors: blue, gray, purple, blue. Good colors are azure, crimson, yellow, black and white. But with orange, the most exquisite silver jewelry will fade.
  • If there are metal parts on clothes, shoes, or a bag, they should be silver.
  • You should not wear more than three pieces of jewelry and do not combine silver and jewelry.
  • The elegance of the neck will be emphasized by a necklace, and the beautiful chest will be emphasized by a long chain with a pendant.
  • Rings should be proportional to the size of the fingers and the length of the nails.

Separately, it is worth mentioning silver bracelets. They do not necessarily have to be combined with other decorations. Nowadays fashion allows for different options, but it is worth considering the outfit model:

  • If the shoulder is lowered, the bracelet is put on the same hand.
  • When combined with a brooch, the location should be the opposite.
  • With a long sleeve, the bracelet should be worn so that it is not covered. You can wear it over your clothes. In this case, a “pile” is suitable - several intertwined models or one massive one.
  • If the bottom of the sleeve is trimmed with ruffles or prints, the bracelet will be superfluous.
  • Massive silver models go perfectly with the watch. You can combine them with genuine leather and stones, but not with jewelry. If you really want to wear a thin bracelet, it should be on the other hand.


The silver has turned black, what is it?

Nothing more than the presence of copper in it, which oxidizes when exposed to moisture, sweat and a number of other external factors. Silver, having a noble origin, can darken only due to the formation of a deposit of silver sulfide, which begins to thicken over time, and the jewelry naturally darkens. This phenomenon can occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.

Don’t be surprised, but the list of reasons may include:

  • stress;
  • experiences;
  • emotional stress;
  • taking medications containing sulfur compounds;
  • physical loads;
  • heat:
  • contacts with chemical products.

A violation, both in the liver and in the kidneys, can be indicated not only by the darkening of silver (this may also indicate problems with the endocrine system), but also by its lightening due to the release of nitrogen substances.

As you can see, silver is not only an irreplaceable piece of jewelry that everyone should have, but also a protective amulet, amulet, diagnostician and healer.

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