Which stones are suitable for Capricorns ♑ – choosing a talisman for a woman and a man

Talisman stones for Capricorns

Stones for women and men of the Capricorn sign

Helping minerals in areas of life

The healing properties of amulets for Capricorns

Talisman stones of star representatives of the sign

How to choose and wear a talisman stone for Capricorns

Capricorn (Capricornus) is the tenth sign of the zodiac, belonging to the element Earth. It includes people born from December 22 to January 20. Representatives of the sign are ruled by Saturn. They are characterized by such traits as restraint in expressing feelings, sometimes reaching the point of outward coldness, hard work, reliability, ambition and purposefulness.

However, obsession with work, attachment to material things, and ambitions often prevent these people from truly enjoying life. In addition, Capricorns are characterized by distrust towards others. Stones that match the horoscope will help representatives of the earth element overcome negative character traits and attract into their lives what is missing in it.

What should be the stones for Capricorn?

Capricorns are an earth sign. Their main curator is Saturn, the elemental colors are brownish brown and rich greens. Distributing stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, astrominerologists prescribed black, dark blue, smoky, and green minerals for Capricorn.

Earth stones are energetically combined with all others except fire ones: Fire energy suppresses earthly energy. The mineral will either be just a decoration, or it will harm the owner who allowed such a “neighborhood” in jewelry, a wardrobe or on the table.

Stones suitable for Capricorns

Universal stones for Capricorn: agate, garnet, turquoise, carnelian, obsidian. Their mission is to create a cocoon of security around the owner and assist in completing the plan.

Main conclusions

Picking a stone for Capricorn is not so difficult; you just need to have a clear idea of ​​what it is needed for.

  1. Most often, the amulet is selected according to the date of birth, horoscope or eastern calendar.
  2. The same gem can have different effects on a woman and a man.
  3. There are stones to attract finance, luck, health and love.
  4. A number of minerals (emerald, pearl, aventurine) are strictly contraindicated for representatives of this sign.

When choosing a stone, you need to take into account not only its properties, but also the sensations it evokes in the future owner. If you experience discomfort, you should discard the selected mineral and consider other options.

We will be glad if you share your experience in selecting stones and tell us what impact they have had on your life.

Select by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers suggest choosing the patron stone of Capricorn by date of birth.

December 22 – January 2

People with birthdays between December 22 and January 2 are under the influence of Jupiter. They are a little melancholic, self-confident, and throughout their adult lives they diligently collect the best of spiritual and material wealth.

For Capricorns, whose decade is December 22 - January 2, lucky stones are malachite, rock crystal, tiger's eye, obsidian, agate. With them, the owner will not lose himself and will be able to get rich.

January 3–13

Children of Mars are born leaders, charismatic in nature, captivating others. But routine makes them boring.

Stones suitable for Capricorn for this 11-day period are sardonyx, heliotrope, opal, onyx, chrysoprase, and rock crystal.

They will keep the owner in good shape and help achieve results. Ladies will be protected from becoming housewife hens.

January 14–20

Workaholics in the second half of January are the favorites of the Sun. Their energy is overflowing, but the optimism inherent in the character of Capricorn is often replaced by pessimism. Opal, ruby, tourmaline, hyacinth are recommended as battery talismans, making the owner an active optimist. They will help you achieve your most ambitious goals.

Capricorn minerals by date of birth


Astrologers recommend that unmarried Capricorn girls pay attention to carnelian. Why? The fact is that this mineral has a very interesting property - it brings good luck in love. And, according to esotericists, he is capable of preserving a woman’s beauty and her youth for many years. Do not forget about the very beneficial effect of the stone on the nervous system - carnelian protects against the negative effects of stress. It is also worth noting that carnelian helps Capricorns discover their talents. This stone attracts wealth into the lives of representatives of this sign and protects them from envious people and gossips.

Esotericists also talk about the healing properties of the mineral - it relieves headaches, helps solve problems with the genitourinary system and stomach. For this purpose, carnelian is best worn in the form of beads or bracelets.

Depending on year of birth

Fans of eastern teachings complement stones according to the zodiac sign with options corresponding to the year of birth:

  • Rat. Red garnet will smooth out contradictions or conflicts and add confidence in communication.
  • Bull. The Tiger's Eye will support the pursuit of the goal, shortening and simplifying the path.
  • Ruby will make Tigers lucky, help improve family and friendly relationships, and regulate the body's energy balance.
  • The Rabbit (Cat) is advised to choose rock crystal. It will save the owner’s vital energy and become a powerful amulet against the evil eye.
  • Opal will awaken the natural abilities of the Dragon, but is dangerous for people who cannot control their emotions.
  • Snake. Heliotrope will support Capricorn's interest in what is happening and internal enthusiasm.
  • Horse. Dark-colored obsidian conserves energy. It also helps keep personal power in check.
  • The goat needs pomegranate. The color of the stone is taken into account: red neutralizes conflicts, green will teach you to spend money wisely.
  • Monkey. Garnet makes her more stable and happier in her personal life.
  • Rooster. Ruby fuels the owner’s vitality and adds attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  • Dog. Carnelian will turn the owner into a sociable and respected person.
  • Pig. Onyx makes the owner intuitive and can reliably protect against troubles.

Stones selected according to the year of birth are effective in jewelry, products or semi-precious stones.

Sapphire is a danger for Capricorn

Sapphire or yakhont is a rare and exotic stone. If you translate its name from ancient Indian, you get “Beloved by Saturn.” And this planet is the main one for the sign. But despite this, it is better not to use a yacht for this sign.

The crystal itself strengthens and multiplies leadership qualities, and in Capricorns they are already quite developed. A Capricorn woman can wear a sapphire only if the jewelry “chose” her on her own. This is manifested by the fact that the woman really wants to put it on. But for men of this sign it is better to abandon this idea altogether. Such power can lead to excessive narcissism and cruelty.

Capricorn Women's Stones

Nature has created magic stones for Capricorn women for different characters, tastes and financial levels:

A precious or semi-precious stone, selected according to the horoscope, is equally useful. They can be worn as jewelry or used as a beautiful piece on a dresser or desk.

Where does this magic come from?

The abilities of agate have been known since its first discovery, that is, long before our era. Truly mystical abilities are attributed to this gem, and for its volcanic origin it is called the frozen tears of Plutonium, an ancient volcano.

Agate actually originates in the depths of the solidified lava of sleeping giant volcanoes, which recently spewed fire and shook the earth. Their inexhaustible energy finds its continuation in agate origins.

In mineralogy, agate is classified as a layered chalcedony. The layers are formed when silica cools and flows into the voids of petrified lava. The result is a heterogeneous stone, which can have cavities inside (geodes) or be solid. Both are considered valuable, although in science they are called semi-precious stones.

The ancient Hindus performed their magical rites using agate bowls. Evil spirits are afraid of agates like fire, and yet not everyone can buy them as amulets. Capricorns are an exception. For them, the energy of the stone will never turn against them, but, on the contrary, will nourish, help and even heal chronic diseases.

Capricorn stones for men

Astromine experts suggest choosing a talisman depending on the goals or character of the man:

  • Pomegranate. A stone for the ambitious Capricorn man. He will be indifferent to the opinion of society and will begin to find the right options in an ambiguous situation.

    Pomegranate cufflinks

  • Turquoise. Jewelry or stones are recommended for Capricorn to believe in themselves, become courageous and self-sufficient.

    Turquoise blue

  • Onyx. The Arabic variety of the mineral (black with white or green) will provide a man with the favor of management and authority among his colleagues. It will create a career springboard and impart leadership qualities. Helps keep emotions under control and prevents rash actions.

    Ordinary onyx

  • Jet. An ideal ally for business people or executives as it helps recognize dishonesty.
  • Rhinestone. The classic transparent variety will make you sociable and successful.


  • Chrysoprase. Green stone is a mineral of luck for ambitious careerists. Creates the best protection for businessmen from unscrupulous partners, and will tell you how to rationally manage big money.

    Highest grade chrysoprase

  • Opal. A talisman for Capricorn with an excess of emotions and a lack of optimism. The mineral will balance everything.

    Blue fire opal

The best stone for December Capricorns is turquoise, for January Capricorns - garnet.

Magical properties of black agate

The magical properties of black agate stone were known already in Ancient Rome, when they used it to improve crops. Indian magicians tried to awaken psychic abilities with the help of the mineral.

Black agate is a stone with very strong energy.

Occultists of our time practice more the “Indian” method of divination with stones and use black agate to gain and enhance paranormal abilities. The black talisman is able to reveal to a person the most intimate secrets of the universe.

If you are afraid of damage or the evil eye, put on your jewelry so that the stone is in the most visible place. His power is capable of stopping the most powerful evil witchcraft. Energy vampires will also not be able to harm you, especially if you wear a ring with dark chalcedony. After such a walk, the gem must be cleaned.

Black agate can reduce attacks of rage and anger. If, instead of giving free rein to your emotions, you look at the stone for a few minutes, you will feel that the bloody veil is falling from your mind. The gem also discourages a person from bad companies. People who have achieved harmony with the crystal can even prolong youth and slow down aging.

For teachers, especially young and inexperienced ones, the gem will help them get used to their new profession. It calms nerves, teaches tolerance, and removes fear of an audience. At the same time, you will not become too weak or soft. It harmonizes best with masculine energy, but there is nothing that prohibits a woman from wearing a stone.

This gem has a very sensitive and subtle “soul”. It absorbs the energy of the owner more strongly than other stones. Therefore, the appearance of the talisman depends on the character of the one who wears it. A kind and friendly person will be able to boast of a bright stone, but for an evil one it will quickly fade.

The stone does not like selfish, cruel people, liars, slanderers. If you notice such “sins” in yourself, then it is better for you to first get rid of these character traits. However, the gem can help with this. To do this, meditate on the crystal daily for at least fifteen minutes. This will tune you in to the same wavelength as the mineral and make chalcedony a powerful amulet.

Individual talismans and amulets

Astrologers offer the following amulets and talismans for Capricorns of both sexes:

  • Agate. The best protective stone for Capricorn is an amulet against the machinations of enemies, gossip and similar actions. A gem in the house will improve the microclimate: poverty and quarrels will go away, and household members will climb the career ladder. When worn constantly, it becomes a talisman against the evil eye, damage, and witchcraft.

    Red-brown agate stones

  • Opal. Among the peoples of both hemispheres it symbolizes hope and fidelity. People using the mineral are convinced of a positive outcome in any development of events.

    Beautiful fire opal

  • Tourmaline. As a universal amulet, Capricorn needs a black stone.

    Silver ring with pink tourmaline

  • Obsidian. The most earthly of minerals. Suggests the right decisions, protects against recklessness. Dispels negative energy directed at the owner. Fortune will begin to favor him. Dark red specimens will eliminate anxiety and loss and create inner harmony.

    Snow Obsidian Bracelet

  • Pomegranate. Necessary as a shield against alcohol, tobacco, drugs and other addictions. Activates sensuality, improves mood, making achieving goals guaranteed.

    Earrings with garnet

  • Turquoise. The main ally of lovers. In addition to amorous affairs, it makes trading operations profitable and raises the status of the owner. Magnet for money.

    Green turquoise

  • Onyxes. Stones suitable for Capricorn men, those in positions of power, leaders in life and bosses. They help calculate your opponent’s moves, clarify thoughts, and teach management. Strong protection against unexpected death. Black onyx is used to successfully complete projects and not become a victim of witchcraft or envy.

    Silver ring with onyx

  • Rhinestone. Stabilizes emotions. It may be suitable for violent people as a sedative; for enslaved people it will make them more sociable. Reduces the owner's level of suspicion and anxiety.

    Rock crystal in different shades

Onyx is ideal as a talisman for Capricorns. Energetically, this is a very powerful mineral, so when you decide to purchase it, you must first hold it for a few minutes. The absence of anxiety, chills or other discomfort means that the stone is compatible with humans. It is suitable even for a child.

External magical negativity is resisted by agate, malachite or hematite.

Talisman stones for Capricorn make the owner confident in his own abilities. This applies to any area - family and personal life, business, creativity. You can wear them all year round, without regard to the lunar calendar or the configuration of the stars.

Agate and zodiac signs

  • Agate is the zodiac stone of Gemini. Perhaps this is why the stone is surprisingly friendly, suitable for almost everyone and, like Gemini, loves everyone? Agate will help representatives of this sign everywhere and in everything - in love, work, health, business, achieving goals. Probably, if one of the Geminis had seriously asked their agate to become the owner of the world, a stone would have thrown the Universe at his feet.
  • wear agate in a silver frame. It is especially important for women to wear it - it has the ability to normalize the internal flows of Gemini women. By constantly keeping the stone with you, Gemini will soon feel positive changes in all areas of life. Any color of stone will suit Gemini. It is recommended not only to carry the stone with you, but also to keep it at home in the feng shui zone that especially needs improvement.
  • Agate to those born under the sign of Aries . And yet, wearing a silver-cut stone will help an Aries woman to express and emphasize her inner beauty, and a man will strengthen his intellectual abilities and open up new opportunities in life.
  • Taurus people are recommended to wear white agate to soften their violent nature. In addition, the stone will help representatives of this sign get rid of their characteristic stubbornness and problems associated with it. If Taurus constantly wears agate , he will achieve enormous success in his career, improve his finances and improve his health. For Taurus women, agate will help establish harmonious relationships with family and loved ones.
  • For Cancers , agate can literally be a salvation. He is able to restore the vitality of Cancers. If Cancer wears the stone on himself in the form of jewelry, his health will be restored, a charge of energy will appear, and he will feel cheerful in spirit and body. Depression and depressive moods will leave Cancer who wears agate. His relationships with loved ones will improve. For women of this zodiac sign, agate will give stability in a love relationship with the desired man.


  • Agate Virgos find love and build a successful marriage full of warmth, family joys and love. For those who are already married, the stone will help strengthen relationships and establish mutual understanding. You will even start to think like one! Agate will give representatives of the female part of this sign the opportunity to leave the past in the past. They will be able to let go of the negative emotions and pain that have been caused to them. New, happy roads will open up for them.
  • Libras should not wear agate all the time. By taking off and putting on jewelry with a stone from time to time or squeezing a stone from the collection in your hands, Libra will be able to feed on the energy of the stone. Agate will give Libra health and help them forget about problems with chronic diseases.
  • For Scorpios , agate can give real family happiness. By wearing the stone, Scorpio becomes more peaceful and warm, which has a positive effect on the weather in the house. Conflicts with a loved one will fade away over time, and with the disappearance of conflicts, prosperity settles in the house. Blue agate will enhance the energy of girls of this zodiac sign.
  • Agate is useful even for Sagittarius . Women and girls of this sign need to wear a stone with a purple tint - it will help restore strength and find inner balance. A talisman with agate enhances Sagittarius's imagination, increases his creativity and does not forget to fight negativity directed against its owner.
  • Capricorns will be pleasantly surprised by the positive changes that an agate into their lives. For women of this sign, the stone will show all the positive qualities that are inherent in the sign of Capricorn. And all Capricorns are guaranteed improved love relationships, good luck in love and rapid success in their careers and financial spheres of life.


  • dreamy Aquarius from the collapse of their fantasies, directing their energy to real and successful projects. With the appearance of agate in their lives, peace, joy, peace and harmony will literally settle there. Relationships in love will improve and the time for prosperity will come in business. But there is one thing - Aquarius cannot wear agate It's better to choose a day that is lucky for your sign. For Aquarius, this is Wednesday. If you really like your agate , wear it every other day.
  • Pisces woman a kind of anchor that will allow her to stop at the pier in the world of her fantasies. Agate will help modest and shy Pisces reveal their own “I”, teach them to express their thoughts beautifully, give them self-confidence and help them defend their opinions. In addition, agate will build powerful energy protection around the fish, which will not let negativity through and will give you a sense of security.

Healing minerals of Capricorn

People of this constellation are not particularly sickly, but problems do happen. Several minerals are suitable as a talisman that protects health or helps restore it:

  • Malachite is beneficial for joints, restores tissue, improves vision.

    Malachite jewelry

  • Tourmaline. The healing properties of the stone are determined by its color. The black variety is good for health in general: it strengthens the immune system, energizes you, and cures melancholy. Solves problems with the heart and spine. Green normalizes heart function and relieves fatigue.

    Green tourmaline

  • Black onyx reduces rehabilitation time after illness or surgery.

    Black onyx bracelet

  • Opal. It will help cope with persistent migraines and treat the eyes.

    Fire opal pendant

  • Pomegranate. Ladies stone doctor. The color of the stone matters. Red reduces pain during menstruation, green suits Capricorn women during menopause.

    Gold ring with garnet

  • Carnelian regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

    Hairpin with carnelian

Bright agates of a thick shade are the stones of long-lived Capricorns.

Semi-precious or precious gems are equally effective. They are used as a strong component that complements traditional treatment.


Often magicians use this stone as a mirror that allows them to see the future and past. Astrologers, in turn, say that the dark gem provides Capricorns with powerful protection. It is obsidian that helps women born under this sign avoid committing rash acts and allows them to make the right decisions. In addition, one cannot help but say that this stone is indispensable for those young ladies who experience a constant feeling of anxiety. Obsidian helps to find inner harmony and tranquility. Thanks to the stone, women will survive any shocks.

Connection with chakras, metals, trees, names

There are two chakras associated with the Capricorn symbol: the first Muladhara (Root) and the seventh Sahasrara (Crown). Stones used in chakra manipulations are garnet, hematite, rock crystal, diamond.

The zodiac metal of Capricorn is platinum. The noble material does not interact with almost anything. Capricorn is like that: resistant to outside influence, wise, true to himself.

As an addition to stone magical tools, you can choose a tree recommended by the Druid horoscope:

  • apple tree: December 23 – January 1;
  • fir: January 2–11;
  • elm: January 12–20.

For December 22, the winter solstice, a beech tree is highlighted.

Minerals are also selected by name. That is, in the general list they find options that match the zodiac sign. For example, ruby, carnelian, tiger's eye, amber, and citrine are considered favorable for Anna. Of these, the first three correspond to the constellation. The choice is made taking into account personal preferences and financial capabilities.

What stones should not be worn by a sign?

According to the Capricorn horoscope, stones of the opposition zodiac symbol Cancer are contraindicated:

  • With citrine, he will lose his life guidelines or turn into a stubborn liar.
  • Capricorn needs to avoid sapphire. The stone will suck energy, and the owner of the jewelry will become a cynic or a dense retrograde.
  • Even medieval astrologers established that emerald is forbidden for Capricorn. It will make a person apathetic, lethargic, unsociable.

It is also not recommended to wear moonstone, aventurine, any pearls, amazonite, mother of pearl, beryl.


Three thousand years ago, people were well aware that pomegranate had magical properties. This gemstone is especially suitable for Capricorn women. The whole point is that it endows young ladies born under this sign with vigor and happiness, while it is able to save the owner from gloomy thoughts. It is also important that they are excellent amulets on any long trip or journey. The energy of pomegranate is such that it is ideal for those women who are determined. And this gem for a Capricorn woman will help improve relationships in the family, ignite sensuality and passion, and improve their financial situation.

True, astrologers say, you should wear such jewelry with caution, because garnet gives rise to incredibly strong desires in a person’s heart, which often lead to a complete loss of control over oneself.

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