Opal: the magical and healing properties of the stone, the meaning for men and women of each zodiac sign, how to wear it, charge it, how it looks in jewelry, how to distinguish a fake?

Opal stone: magical properties

  • There are many legends and beliefs associated with this mineral, and the name of the stone may sound different in different languages. For example, in Latin opal means “enchanting sight.” But from Greek the translation sounds like “changing color.” And both of these translations have the right to exist, since anyone who has ever seen this stone will no longer be able to take their eyes off it.
  • According to esotericists, each semi-precious or precious stone carries its own energy. Opal is characterized as a stone that brings success and wealth . It is perfect for people who do not slow down and are used to living to the fullest, achieving their goals and desires.
  • Such a stone will nourish them from the inside, giving them the opportunity to conquer more and more heights. It is also suitable for people filled with talent and charisma.
  • This mineral will not get along with calmer people who live a measured life. In this case, the stone can become a “time bomb”. The mineral can instill unnecessary fears in a person and make his behavior unnatural.
  • But for people in creative professions, opal will give inspiration and help them reach a new level.

History of the origin of the mineral

The history of this beautiful mineral began back in the days of Ancient India. Local residents admired its shimmer, considering the opal to be magical. At that time, the gem was called jirasol. The beauty of the mineral was also appreciated by the inhabitants of the Australian continent. Stones were brought to Europe from India only in the 19th century. Here they were very popular. Only representatives of the nobility and merchants could afford jewelry with gems.

In the 20th century the stone became known in all corners of the Earth. Gradually, the scale of mineral extraction increased and it became more accessible.

Healing properties of opal

Back in the Middle Ages, people believed in the healing properties of stones. And these days, a properly selected stone helps improve health and cope with certain ailments. Opal is not only a wonderful decoration, but also an excellent way to get rid of diseases.

The following medicinal properties of opal are distinguished:

  1. Normalization of mental state. If you have been worried a lot lately or your life is full of stressful situations, then blue opal will help you. You can use this type of mineral during meditation. It normalizes the mental state and eliminates unnecessary negative emotions
  2. If you have vision problems , then you should pay attention to green opal. You can massage the area under the eyebrows with them.
  3. Pink opal helps solve problems of the cardiovascular system It also improves the functioning of the body as a whole.
  4. If you feel a lack of strength, then fire opal will help you. It gives energy, strength and increases activity.

The stone helps to get rid of many ailments

Properties of opal for women, opal for men

The external beauty of this stone attracts not only the fair sex, but also men. Most often, it is chosen by strong people with extraordinary thinking and outlook on life. It is believed that opal affects women and men differently.

  • men more confidence in themselves and their abilities. The mineral makes them more determined and resistant to life’s adversities.
  • Women, under the influence of opal, become calmer. They are enveloped in a veil of femininity and tranquility.
  • The magical properties of opal for women and men are that it accumulates love power and energy and helps improve relationships between partners.

Makes women calmer

Opal: who suits it according to their zodiac sign?

Astrologers assure that stones should also be selected based on your zodiac sign. Thus, if the mineral corresponds and suits your sign, then it will bring only benefit to your life and cannot cause harm.

Which zodiac sign does opal suit?

  • This is a stone that is ideal for people under the zodiac signs of Libra and Scorpio. This means people who were born in October. This stone will help them realize themselves in life and attract luck to their side.
  • But for fire signs, such as Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, opal of almost all types is strictly contraindicated. We only allow fire opal, which will emphasize their element. These signs are already purposeful, so the power of the stone can become a counterweight in the realization of their desires. It can also suppress their inner potential.

Opal is not suitable for all zodiac signs

  • Opal to such an unrestrained sign like Taurus . Representatives of this sign are best suited for white opal with a pearlescent tint.
  • Opal for Gemini will not bring anything new into their lives. For them, jewelry made from this stone will remain just jewelry.
  • Opal for Cancer is black and white. The mineral of these flowers will attract good luck and financial well-being to their side.
  • Virgo is an energetically strong sign. Fire opal for Virgo will help them become a little kinder to others and make them less demanding.
  • Capricorns are distinguished by their stubbornness, and sometimes even tediousness. Opal for Capricorn will be an excellent talisman and will help soften the previously mentioned qualities. Did you like fire opal? A great choice for a new decoration or talisman.
  • Aquarius is a very hot-tempered sign and is often led by emotions. And opal for Aquarius will be like a guide to calm. The stone will make them more balanced. Pay attention to your intuition when choosing the color of the stone.
  • Pisces is a sign that relies on its developed intuition always and in everything. It is opal for Pisces that will help them improve this quality in themselves. For this purpose, the most successful option would be pink and white opal.

Opal stone: how to wear?

Each stone, or decoration inlaid with a stone, is a beautiful trinket. This is your amulet and talisman, which should be on you as often as possible, especially when it comes to a mineral such as opal. However, before you wear an opal, it is worth knowing how this stone should be worn.

The main rules for wearing this stone that you should know:

  • Opal is a talisman stone. He protects his owner and does not allow him to deviate from his intended path. Therefore, you should wear it as often as possible and close to your body. This could be a pendant or a ring.

In the pendant

  • It is also important what setting this stone is in. The stronger the metal, the better. Opal goes well with gold. The only exception is the black opal subtype.

Since you may in the future combine jewelry from different stones in your look, you should know well which stones you can combine opal with and which it is better not to wear it with. So, opal makes excellent friends with:

  • Garnet
  • Agate
  • Aquamarine
  • Topaz

You should not combine opal with pearls, moonstone and emerald. A combination with diamond, ruby ​​and zirconium would not be the best option.

Compatibility with other stones

Opals are used as inserts in gold cocktail rings, signets, and earrings. They are used to create beads and necklaces. Often the mineral becomes a decoration for men's cufflinks and tie clips.

can be in one piece of jewelry , thereby creating interesting color combinations. Pearls, topaz, moonstone, and chrysolites are combined with natural opals. Synthetic ones include proximity to cubic zirconia and cultured pearls.

Opal stone: how to charge, activate?

It is also very important to know how to charge an opal. After all, only in a charged form will it bring you benefits and have a beneficial effect on your life:

  • You can activate the opal with the light of the Sun or Moon. These celestial bodies have the most powerful energy and strength, so with their help you can charge almost any stones. As for opal, in order to preserve the properties of the stone, it is better to charge it with the light of the night luminary - the Moon. This way it will not fade or lose its appearance.
  • Take the opal and place it on a window, table, etc., so that moonlight falls on it. Leave your talisman to charge overnight. It is best to do this during the waxing Moon. You can also charge the water with sunlight or moonlight (by placing it under the rays of the luminaries), and then place a stone in it for several hours.
  • You can charge opal using the earth. To do this, you need to bury the stone shallowly in the ground and leave it there for a day, then rinse it with cold water. In this way, the stone will not only be charged, but also cleansed of the negativity that has accumulated in it.
  • Plants can also come to the rescue in this matter . In order to charge opal with the help of a plant, take a stone, find a young, healthy, possibly flowering plant, and place the stone next to it for a day.

Interesting Facts

The first mineral deposit on the Australian continent was discovered in 1849 by accident. Industrial production began 40 years later. Since then the term "Australian opal fields" has been coined. The largest slab of rock is called the “Flame of the Andamooka Desert.” For a long time, stones were mined in difficult conditions. The desert climate is characterized by sharp temperature changes, so the miners were exhausted from the heat during the day and from the cold at night.

Stones were mined using a pick and a shovel in mines 5-40 m deep. The rock was lifted to the surface in buckets. This primitive mining method exists in some mines to this day. The minerals lie shallow, so owners do not want to spend money on purchasing expensive equipment. 97% of all gems in the world are mined in Australia. Opal even became a symbol of the southern part of the continent.

Once upon a time, Queen Victoria saved a rare mineral from persecution, returning its good name. Even in ancient times, opal was attributed with magical properties. But in the 19th century. people began to fear the stone. At that time, due to superstitions, many family jewelry and dishes inlaid with opals were thrown away.

At the same time, mineral deposits began to be actively explored on the Australian continent. To restore the stones to their former glory, Queen Victoria began to appear in public wearing opal jewelry. Following the monarch, ordinary women and ladies adopted fashion. Each of them wanted to have jewelry like the queen.

For a long time, there was no rational explanation for the magical flickering of stones. Scientists did not understand where the multi-colored reflections came from. Just 50 years ago, it was discovered that the fabulous palette appears due to silica spheres in the rock. This happened only after the invention of the electron microscope.

Jewelry with opal: photo

Opal is a very unusual stone, and therefore jewelry with it is a real work of art. If you had to briefly describe how opal looks in jewelry, you could do it in one word – luxurious.

  • Choose unusual jewelry that will highlight your look and take pride of place in your jewelry box. These could be rings in which opal will play a key role. The main thing is that its cut and frame should be no less luxurious. would also be a great option .
  • Opal in jewelry always looks rich and beautiful. A product with this stone will perfectly complement any of your looks.



Chic set

Blue opal

For princesses


Product care

Caring for opal jewelry is not much different from caring for other jewelry. You should:

  • take off before going to the beach;
  • store jewelry in special boxes;
  • wash the products with soapy water and a soft cloth, then dry them by wrapping them in a napkin;
  • Do not expose the stone to sudden temperature changes.

opal jewelry from proximity to other products so as not to be scratched. Cracks that appear on natural stone may mean that the mineral has dried out. It should be placed in a container with water. Sometimes this stops the destruction process.

Products with opals are universal, beautiful, have healing and magical properties, so you should definitely pay attention to them.

Opal: how to distinguish a fake?

  • Very often you can find fakes of various types of precious and semi-precious stones. This fate did not go unnoticed and he fell into disgrace. Its cost is very high not only because of its visual beauty, but also for a number of other properties. It can take more than a century for an opal to mature within a rock.
  • In addition, this stone is not so easy to obtain. Because of this, attempts to copy it began to occur more and more often.

How to distinguish real opal from a fake:

  • Notice how the stone behaves in the sun. If the stone is real, then the rays of the light will be refracted, and the stone will shine, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Original patterns. Opal is valued precisely for the beauty and uniqueness of the patterns on it. Every point or line on a stone is different from each other. If you are holding a fake in your hands, then you will notice the similarity between the patterns.
  • Test for stickiness . This verification method may seem strange, but it is quite effective. The thing is that if you lick a fake opal, it will stick to your tongue. This will not happen with real opal.
  • Price policy. Today the price of opal is approximately equal to the price of gold. Therefore, do not pay attention to suspiciously cheap stones and huge discounts. In this case, you may end up with a fake.
  • Natural stone has very light, almost imperceptible transitions and barely noticeable bubbles inside. Sharp color edges are a sign that the stone is not original.

Make no mistake in choosing
Opal is a unique mineral that can not only change your life for the better, but also smooth out the rough edges of your character. By giving preference to opal jewelry, you will be as beautiful and unusual as the stone itself.

Do you like stones? Then we advise you to read the following characteristics of equally popular stones:

  • Chrysoprase
  • Agate
  • Onyx
  • Moon rock
  • Turquoise
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