Precious minerals Stones representing the entire gamut of green are found in nature quite a lot. Among them
Carnelian is a mineral that has been called the “frozen sunset.” About the origin and magical properties
The process of rhodium plating of products involves the application of bright pink powder – rhodium – to a metal surface.
Recently, a friend from Moscow boasted to me that she had bought a black diamond weighing two carats.
The mesmerizing shine of moonstone attracts not only admirers of its beauty and magical
The name cuprite comes from the Latin cuprum “cuprum” - copper; chalcotrichite - from the Greek "chalcos"
Category Silicate minerals Name in English. Axinite-(Fe) Formula Ca2Fe2+Al2[BSi4O14](OH) Group Axinite Group Color Brown,
Stones are part of inanimate nature, but they are also born, change, die, only their “life”
Category Beryl Name in English. Emerald Formula Be3Al2Si6O18 Group Beryl Group Color Yellowish-green, Green
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