How gold affects the human body: the functions of gold in human life; the effects of metal on women and men

Gold is a precious metal that has always been a symbol of beauty, wealth and power. In chemistry it is known as Aurum. The area of ​​human use of the precious metal is quite wide: it is used to make jewelry, dishes, amulets, coins, and souvenirs.

Investors' savings are deposited in gold bars and the state treasury is stored. Because of this metal, people take risks, put their lives in danger, and commit crimes.

But it’s worth thinking about the effect of gold on the human body, because the metal has certain energy and properties, both beneficial and harmful.

The importance of gold in human history from ancient times to the present day

The history of the yellow metal goes back several thousand years. It is not known for certain where and when it was discovered. Mentions of gold items are found among the ancient Sumerians, Chinese, Indians, and Egyptians. But the first who began to process metal and use it as a monetary system were the ancient Egyptians.

Golden Sun
The culture of wearing jewelry by different peoples also comes from ancient times. The first gold jewelry finds date back to the periods of the Sumerian civilization and Ancient Egypt. It is known that Cleopatra was a fan of solar metal.

A significant discovery by archaeologists was the tomb of Tutankhamun, who lived almost 4 millennia ago, and his collection of gold items. Just think about the death mask of the pharaoh, the image of which is known to every schoolchild!

They began to make gold products quite quickly, as soon as it became clear that the metal was soft and malleable.

Daily dose of 2 to 4 mcg of solar metal. Lack and symptoms of excess gold in the body

Scientists have calculated that there is a norm of gold acceptable in the human body. From 2 to 4 mcg daily is enough for the beneficial properties of the metal to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all human organs. If a person only wears a wedding ring, then he has already consumed the daily amount of solar metal. An excess of the substance can lead to poisoning, which is expressed by symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • increased sweating;
  • apathy, weakness;
  • lack of appetite.

In severe cases of poisoning, a person suddenly loses weight and may complain of pain in muscles and joints. A metallic taste appears in the mouth. Also, an excess of gold can lead to dermatitis and stomatitis. Such cases require medical assistance.

A lack of precious metal in the body reduces immunity, which affects overall well-being.


In a living organism, silver plays an important role. In mammalian tissues its concentration is 0.02 μ/kg body weight. And its highest concentration is found in the nuclei of neurons in the brain. Silver ions take part in the metabolic processes of the body. Depending on the concentration, its cations can either stimulate or inhibit the activity of a number of enzymes. Under the influence of silver, the intensity of oxidative phosphorylation in brain mitochondria doubles, and the content of nucleic acids also increases, which improves brain function.

The biological role of silver in the body has not been fully studied, but its deficiency affects the immune system, so symptoms may include weakness, frequent infectious diseases, and poor health. An excess of silver also has a detrimental effect on the body due to the fact that silver is a heavy metal. Symptoms of chronic silver poisoning include: argyria (coloration of the mucous membranes and skin in a silver or bluish-gray color), lack of vitamin E and selenium, and liver damage.

In recent years, information has appeared in the scientific literature that silver is a powerful immunomodulator comparable to steroid hormones. It has been established that, depending on the dose, silver can both stimulate and suppress phagocytosis. Under the influence of silver, the number of immunoglobulins of classes A, M, G increases, and the percentage of the absolute number of T-lymphocytes increases.

Thus, in the light of modern ideas, silver is considered as a microelement necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as a powerful agent that enhances immunity and actively affects pathogenic bacteria and viruses. At a concentration of 0.05-0.1 mg/l, silver has a rejuvenating effect on the blood and has a beneficial effect on the course of physiological processes in the body.

Currently, silver is successfully used in medicine in the treatment of septic arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatic endocarditis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, influenza, acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, purulent septic diseases, brucellosis, orally in the treatment of gastritis, anastomositis and gastroduodenal ulcers, externally - in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, purulent wounds and burns

In addition, silver compounds are also used in agriculture. An example is the use of nanosilver solution for the prevention of dysbacteriosis in poultry. Recently, the practice of introducing creams and textile materials for animals that contain silver has begun. Many cases have been described in horse breeding of the use of drugs with silver to treat diarrhea in foals caused by collie infection. Mastitis in cattle is treated with silver. When growing vegetables, preparations with silver are used to get rid of parasites, such as the red spider, which harms eggplant and bean crops.

An interesting fact is that more than half of the world's airlines use silver-treated water as a way to protect passengers from infections such as dysentery. In many countries, colloidal silver ions are used to disinfect swimming pool water.

In Switzerland, silver water filters are widely used in homes and offices. Only silver water is consumed on the International Space Station.

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Importance of Gold in Food Industry: Edible Gold, Gold Rich Products

There are food products fortified with gold. Corn contains the most precious metal. It is also found in flax seeds and barley grains. Royal jelly is enriched with gold.

Some distilled water manufacturers produce so-called golden water, obtained by dissolving metal particles in it. This water is usually not cheap. The same water is obtained if you hold jewelry in it for some time.

Drinking water from underground sources is considered saturated with the noble metal.

The use of edible gold leaf is popular in cooking. These are the thinnest gold sheets, flakes or powder that are used to decorate confectionery, chocolate, and ice cream. These sheets are used to wrap candies, decorate desserts and Easter eggs. Gold flakes are even added to alcoholic drinks: the well-known Goldschläger schnapps produced in Italy and Switzerland, the Polish-German Gdansk Vodka, and the Ukrainian Polubotka Zoloto vodka.

Goldschlager is one of the most amazing alcoholic drinks in the world.
The Japanese add gold sprinkles to sake, believing that the noble metal has a positive effect on human health. And in the United Arab Emirates, elite cafes offer coffee to wealthy tourists with golden leaves, a cup of which costs almost 1,500 rubles. Susal is a premium food supplement. Quality certificates indicate that it is suitable for human consumption.

Scope of gold

Scope of gold

is quite wide and is not limited to the jewelry industry alone.
Let's see what other purposes “ solar metal
” is used for.

• Gold is one of the main means of investment. It is a stronghold of financial stability in most countries.

• In dentistry, for the manufacture of dentures and crowns.

• Due to its high degree of electrical conductivity, it is used in microelectronics, for the manufacture of contacts and electroplated coatings.

• In the nuclear field, including for the production of neutron bombs.

• Possessing good corrosion resistance, it is used for amalgamation (coating with a protective film) of metal surfaces.

•Registered as a food additive E175, but is used quite rarely due to its high cost.

Energy abilities of gold. Methods for cleaning metal from negativity

It is believed that gold, due to its softness and pliability, easily absorbs energy. Many superstitions are associated with this: it is undesirable to wear other people’s gold jewelry, you cannot use found jewelry. Esotericists recommend periodically cleaning solar metal products. To do this, it is best to use the resources of the four elements: Air, Fire, Water and Earth:

  1. Prayer is a sound message directed to the Higher powers. Having secluded yourself in a separate room and placing the items in front of you, you can read the prayer for cleansing yourself. Gold items are also cleaned in church with the help of prayer.
  2. Fire. It is possible to cleanse jewelry from negative energy with the help of a candle, both church and ordinary. The product needs to be held over the fire for a short time; its effect can be enhanced by prayer.
  3. Water - holy, running or spring - also perfectly cleanses gold of negativity. Jewelry is kept in liquid for a certain period of time, for example overnight.
  4. Salt can draw out all the negativity from objects, which is why it is so useful to wash with salt water and wet clean the house with it. For example, if you need to clean a ring or earrings, they are completely covered with salt and left for a day. The used salt is then buried in the ground.

Golden water

Since ancient times, healers have used “golden water” to treat patients. It’s easy to prepare even at home. You should place gold jewelry without precious stones (preferably wedding rings) in half a liter of water and boil until the volume of the liquid is reduced by half. You should take “golden water” 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, regardless of meals. This remedy helps with nervous disorders, colds, heart ailments, weakness and exhaustion, depression; improves memory, increases intelligence.

Modern research confirms the assertion of ancient healers that the noble metal has disinfecting properties. Despite this, the “golden cure” will not benefit everyone.

Category: question-answer

Is it true that gold makes a person happier and more energetic?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

Is it true. It is a symbol of wealth and power and makes a person feel happier. In addition, esotericists claim: the noble metal has the ability to endow its owner with positive energy.

Is it possible for children to wear gold all the time?

Expert opinion

Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

Jeweler 6th category

It is believed that the child’s biofield is more open and unprotected, and therefore can be more often exposed to extrasensory influence from the outside, also through gold items. Children are advised to wear some jewelry, such as a cross or earrings for girls. If these are other people's jewelry, for example, inherited or donated, they need to be energetically cleansed. Jewelry must be removed at night.

How to clean gold not only from dirt?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

If the jewelry only needs to be cleaned to remove dirt, you can take it to a jeweler who will do it delicately. You can cleanse gold jewelry from bad energy at home using fire, salt or water. Home or church prayers are also great for removing negativity from jewelry.

Opinion of esotericists

Natalia Krasnova

Tarot reader

Ask a Question

Esotericists know a lot about how gold affects a person. They argue that not everyone can wear gold. Only strong, strong-willed people with powerful energy can wear such jewelry. Weak, weak-willed people will simply be “crushed” by jewelry. Often, jewelry itself gives signs that it is not suitable for its owners: it is often lost or broken. Sometimes a person’s health deteriorates for unknown reasons.

Is it true that...

…is gold good for people with cardiovascular diseases? That, having a pronounced tonic effect, it is especially useful, for example, for women after forty-five?

In fact

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– Gold belongs to the so-called “solar metals” and has a certain stimulating effect. Another question is who benefits from gold jewelry. And how many of them should a person have?

For example, gold, as a rule, is not suitable for residents of large cities. The reason is the excessive activity of the central nervous system of city residents. As a result, any additional process of excitation leads to the opposite result - inhibition and a state of depression.

Active women (for example, entrepreneurs, managers) are increasingly faced with the problem of seasonal spring-autumn depression. And the connection with gold here can be direct. On the one hand, gold jewelry for many is an element of status and even a dress code.

Article on the topic

Gold in facts and figures: this metal is used in the treatment of cancer, depression and tuberculosis

On the other hand, these decorations in large quantities become a pronounced additional cause of excitement. The process of overexcitation leads to developed inhibition in the central nervous system. Which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the level of metabolic processes in the body. And the result is depression.

Silver is suitable for residents of large cities: it improves the functioning of the central nervous system and makes a person more balanced.

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