Post updated: May 26, 2020 Gold is a noble metal that has a rich and bright
One of the most ancient representatives of the world of stones is the mineral Molybdenite. It is also called "Molybdenum"
Hello! Let's talk about history. At the very beginning of the 18th century, Peter I reformed the state system.
How is native gold born? It is generally accepted that all chemical elements were originally present in the protoplanetary
Friends, the material below is intended for those who are just getting acquainted with the concept of “marine aquarium” and
The profession of a jeweler requires not only creativity in work, but also certain skills.
How it was discovered People's acquaintance with tungsten dates back to the Middle Ages. Wolfram prospectors received more
Gold is one of the most famous and popular metals around the world used for
The lock on the chain is broken: how to fix it. There are mainly 3 types used in jewelry.
Surely many have seen jewelry with inserts of large, smooth, round-shaped stones - in