Legends of stones: 5 fabulous stories about precious minerals

Precious stones have always delighted people with their beauty. They served as magical talismans and signs of higher power, becoming symbols of love and family heirlooms. The beauty of precious stones is so captivating that it is impossible not to believe in their magical properties: they protect from hostile forces, bring love, happiness and good luck. Modern research confirms the discoveries of ancient sages - each of the gems has healing properties.

The history of using precious stones in jewelry goes back thousands of years, and jewelry with them has always been and will always be the best gift for all occasions.


A diamond is a transparent artificially cut diamond. The word “diamond” comes from the Greek “indestructible.” And it is no coincidence, because the cubic allotropic form of carbon (this is the scientific definition of diamond) is the hardest mineral on the Mohs scale.

Diamonds are rightfully considered the best among precious stones. The French word brillant itself means “brilliant”, “sparkling” and expresses what diamonds are so valued for: none of the stones has such a deep radiance and such an indescribable play of light. Diamonds are graded using the 4 C system: cut, clarity, color and carat. The higher each characteristic, the closer the diamond is to perfection. Diamonds with 57 facets are called full-cut. They have ideal proportions to achieve maximum brilliance and maximum play of light inside the stone: there are 33 facets on the top of the diamond and 24 on the bottom. Purity is expressed as the absence of defects or foreign inclusions. A perfect diamond is called a pure diamond.

By color, diamonds are divided into traditional (colorless and all shades of yellow) and fancy (pink, blue, indigo and even green). The weight of diamonds is measured in carats (1 carat equals 0.2 grams). Diamonds pair perfectly with most gemstones and especially well with emeralds, sapphires and rubies.


Emerald is a beryl group gemstone that gives its name to the brightest shade of green. Together with diamond, ruby ​​and sapphire, it is included in the group of first-order precious stones. Among the jewelry legends of the past, there are many jewelry with emeralds. According to Herodotus, the famous Polycrates ring was inlaid with emerald. According to legend, the Grail was carved from emerald. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra considered only emeralds worthy of their beauty. And the great beauty of the past was right! The depth of brilliance, bright and deep color of emerald is unparalleled. Highlight your beauty with the shimmer of emerald in warm gold!


Sapphire is a precious stone that amazes with its richness of color and variety of shades. It is aluminum oxide and belongs to corundum. Scientists have still not come to a consensus on where the name of this wonderful mineral came from. "Sappheiros" in Greek, "sapir" in Hebrew and "safir" in Old Persian mean "blue stone". But in ancient Babylonian safir means “scratching.” And there is also a basis for this version of the name - the hardness of this mineral is 9 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. In Rus', sapphire was called lapis azure.

The shade of sapphire depends on the presence or absence of titanium and iron impurities in it. Moreover, all “colored” sapphires, except blue ones, are called “fancy”. Some of them are dichroic and combine two colors: along the crystals they are dark blue, and across the crystals they are green. Another feature of this stone is asterism - the optical effect of star formation due to the inclusion of rutile.

Orange sapphires are very popular now. Manganese ions give them their original color. Orange-pink sapphires are called padparadschas: translated from Sanskrit - “sunrise/sunset” or “lotus flower”. In India they really believed that the perfection of this stone could make a lotus bud bloom. The most beautiful padparadschas are in the jewelry collections of Cartier and Chanel.

Sapphire has always been considered a particularly valuable stone - the embodiment of calm, contemplation and tranquility. He was called the talisman of the wise, and they believed in his healing powers. Nowadays, this noble stone is personified with success and confidence.


Ruby is the most beautiful of precious stones, a type of corundum. The color varies from deep pink to fiery crimson and deep red with a purple tint. This shade appears with a chromium content of up to 2%. Ruby is a first class gemstone and one of the most expensive stones in the world. Its chemical formula is Al2O3.

Ruby is associated with the sun, passion, fire and love. In Europe, from time immemorial, it has been a symbol of strength, beauty, devotion to faith, dignity and courage. In the East, it represents love, health, strength and vitality. In India, ruby ​​is considered the stone of the Sun.

How were they made?

The earliest engraved gemstones were carved by hand using simple iron tools, including sharpened drills and cutting wheels used in combination with fine abrasive sanding powders. The diamond-tipped drill was introduced in the 5th century BC. e., but did not become publicly available many centuries later.

Greek carnelian scarab with naked archer, Archaic period, circa early 5th century BC. 3/8 inch (1 cm) long. Sold for $47,500 on April 29, 2022 at Christie's New York

Some gemstones contain a small hole drilled in the center, allowing it to be mounted on a rotary device so that they can be worn with the engraved side against the finger. They could then be removed and the stone turned.


Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate. Its chemical formula is one of the most complex among precious stones: Al2 [SiO4] (F, OH)2, and the shade depends on the impurities of iron, titanium, chromium or vanadium. The color range of topaz is varied: from brown and wine-yellow to blue, pink, golden, orange and even reddish. There are polychrome topazes, when sections of one crystal have different colors (usually blue/wine yellow).

Topaz is a hard mineral: 8.0 on the Mohs scale. It is difficult to process, but after cutting the stone acquires a bright shine. In Rus', topaz was called the Siberian diamond, and, according to legend, it received its modern name from the name of the island in the Red Sea - Topazios (now Zeberget), where it was first discovered.

For centuries, blue topaz has been considered a stone that gives women beauty and men wealth and fame; it was used to decorate the crowns of rulers and the outfits of legendary beauties of the past. This gemstone is endowed with powerful energy.


The name “rauchtopaz” has been established in jewelry for a long time, although these beautiful stones have nothing to do with topaz. Their second name is more correct - smoky quartz or smoky crystal. It perfectly emphasizes both the composition and the peculiarity of this stone. Rauchtopazes range from a barely noticeable smoky to brown and deep chocolate color. This stone looks like frozen clots of smoke left over from unknown, but undoubtedly majestic bonfires.

This is exactly how it was perceived in ancient times. In the Far East, rauchtopaz is considered the stone of Buddha; here it is credited with mystical and healing properties that help to achieve nirvana. In Scotland it is called the Cairngorm Stone and is used to adorn national costumes. And in Russia, jewelry with rauchtopaz became especially popular under Catherine the Great and never went out of fashion.

The closest “relatives” of rauchtopaz are rock crystal, citrine and amethyst; their chemical composition is also silicon oxides. Already in the 18th century, Ural craftsmen turned rauchtopazes into citrines by heat treatment: they wrapped them in dough and baked them in an oven. Rauchtopazes are very durable: the hardness index is 6.5–7 on the Mohs scale. But, like many other stones, they are fragile and require careful handling. Rauchtopaz crystals are often collected, inlaid in gold, and less often in platinum and silver.

A stone of contemplation and peace, optimism and inspiration, a stone of sages and artists, rauchtopaz is equally often used in both men's and women's jewelry.

Giant spinel

The entire precious gem is 399 carats. You can see the jewel in the symbol of the Diamond Fund. Spinel adorns the Great Imperial Crown. Pozier created the jewelry masterpiece in the second half of the 18th century. Just in time for the coronation day of Catherine the Great.

The crown is made of the highest standard gold. Openwork hemispheres contain scatterings of diamonds in the form of decorative flowers. Their number reaches a record 5,000 diamonds, whose play of light resembles a rainbow. The most valuable (expensive) crown weighs almost 2 kg. And in its very center a giant spinel shines. The crystal is called the pride of the Diamond Fund, since it has ideal parameters for transparency and purity.

  • This is important: Gold 18 K – what standard


Amethyst is the most beautiful of quartzes with colors ranging from violet and dark purple to pink. The beautiful purple or cherry blue color of amethyst, which distinguishes it from simple quartz and rock crystal, is due to traces of iron and manganese oxides. In jewelry, the most prized amethysts are their lilac, violet, and pinkish-purple colors.

In ancient times, amethysts symbolized connection with higher powers. The reverent attitude towards amethysts continued later. They were often used to decorate the rings of priests and especially important church attributes: crosses, icons, bowls... Perhaps the reason for this is the deep and unusual purple color of amethyst - a symbol of purity, devotion and optimism.

Amethyst is the favorite stone of European jewelers. It never goes out of style. Jewelry with amethysts appears annually in the collections of Cartier and Boucheron, VanCleef and Bvlgari. Moreover, purple amethysts are used to create expensive jewelry.

A favorite of jewelers, amethyst requires a special approach. It is not advisable to store jewelry with amethysts in direct sunlight; its color may lose saturation. But at the same time, all the depth and beauty of the stone is revealed precisely in daylight!


Pliny the Elder gave a romantic and very appropriate name to aquamarine. The romantic name “aquamarine” was first used by the ancient Roman historian Pliny the Elder. This unusual gem reminded him of the pure green waters of the sea. Aquamarine - beryllium aluminosilicate with a ring structure - belongs to valuable jewelry stones. One of the largest aquamarines still adorns the crown of the Queen of England, adjacent to diamonds and rubies. This beautiful stone is considered the ruler of the water element, the stone of purposeful and lucky people.


Alexandrite, a type of chrysoberyl, is not only a very beautiful stone, but also an unusual one.

It seems that it is not even one, but several stones: it can look so different depending on the lighting. Its color changes dramatically: from blue or olive green in daylight to pink-crimson, red-violet or even purple in evening or artificial light. This phenomenon is called the alexandrite effect or reverse. And it is caused by the characteristics of the crystal lattice and the position of trivalent chromium ions in it. The stone got its name because its discovery coincided with

sixteenth birthday of Alexander II.

Synthetic alexandrite is a stone that is a complete analogue of the natural one in chemical composition, physical properties, crystal lattice, color, luster, dispersion and other properties. The only difference is that such a stone was created in a laboratory and is therefore much cheaper than natural stone.

It should be noted that the cost of alexandrites sometimes exceeds the cost of diamonds. This is due to the fact that currently the deposits of alexandrite in nature are almost exhausted, so it is almost impossible to find alexandrite on the market.


Zircon jewelry has never gone out of fashion. Its unique refractive properties can only be compared to a diamond; it is not for nothing that in the East zircon is called its younger brother. And jewelers often create products and even collections in two versions: with diamonds and its more affordable version - with zircons.

Zargun means "golden" in Persian. It is from this word that the name of this amazing stone comes. But zircons are not only transparent. In nature, blue, gray, pink, red, burgundy, yellow, brown, almost black and green stones are found. The color is due to various impurities, among which the most common are oxides of iron, calcium, aluminum, and less commonly hafnium, and zircon becomes blue after heat treatment.

Zircon deposits are mainly found in Thailand, as well as on the island of Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Madagascar. Hyacinths - pink zircons - are also mined in the USA, Brazil, Canada, Norway and Australia.

Zircon deposits are also known in Russia: in the Urals, Yakutia, and on the Kola Peninsula.

In ancient times, this stone was worn by sages. It is believed that zircon makes a person more observant and gives the gift of foresight, attracts good luck and wealth, promotes health, in particular helps to get rid of excess weight. And in ancient Greece they believed that zircon helped overcome the discord between spirit and body. As for the signs of the Zodiac, astrologers primarily recommend wearing jewelry with zircons to Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Diamond "Shah"

The second most valuable gem in the collection. Perfectly transparent with a yellowish tint. The diamond is not cut, it has only been slightly polished. The weight of the Shah diamond is 88 carats. A special feature of this crystal are the inscriptions that identify its previous owners. The inscriptions are in Persian.

The first keeper of the diamond was the ruler of one of the Indian provinces, then there was the Mogul, and then the Persian Shah, after whom the sparkling mineral was already delivered to Russia. It was brought as a gift to the Russian Tsar after the tragedy in Tehran, and the incident was over. The king did not have the fortitude to refuse such beauty.

cubic zirconia

Cubic zirconia is zirconium dioxide - ZrO2, which is why it is also called cubic zirconia. This is an artificially grown mineral; it has no analogues in nature. The first cubic zirconia was synthesized in 1970 at the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Lebedeva. This research institution is abbreviated as FIAN, which gave the name to the new mineral. Despite the fact that there are now many technologies for the production of cubic zirconia, the best crystals are still produced according to the one developed by the Lebedev Physical Institute.

Jewelers immediately fell in love with this stone because it has relatively high hardness and, like a diamond, good refraction of light, and thanks to the ability to paint crystals in almost any color, jewelry with cubic zirconia is in great demand. Faceted cubic zirconias are visually indistinguishable from natural precious stones and are very often used to imitate them.

Outside the CIS countries, cubic zirconia is known as dzhevalite and daimonsquay, and this stone is also sometimes called zirconite or shelby. Nowadays jewelry with cubic zirconia is very popular. This artificial gemstone is framed in silver, gold and platinum. Jewelry with cubic zirconia looks very beautiful, and the price is much cheaper than the same jewelry with diamonds or natural precious stones.

What is the appeal for modern collectors?

“These ancient engraved gemstones offer a fascinating scientific window into the ancient world in terms of life, fashion and ritual, and prove that the tradition for sentimental jewelry goes back thousands of years,” says Bernheimer.

Roman Cameo of Sardonyx Medusa, circa 1st century AD. e. Cameo: 1 in (4 cm) long; Mount: 2⅜ in (6 cm) long. Sold for $181,250 on April 29, 2022 at Christie's New York

“Cameos and intaglios are beautiful decorative and evocative works of art that, due to their natural hardness, are often preserved in brilliant condition,” continues the specialist. “Thanks to their portability, they can be worn in a modern style and manner, while their abundance means that the most affordable examples start from just a few hundred pounds.


Pearl is the most mysterious jewelry stone, the embodiment of beauty and romance. It has never gone out of fashion and goes with both an evening outfit and an office suit. Style icons of all times, from Cleopatra to Coco Chanel, appreciated its warm, pearlescent shine. The word “pearl” itself is used to emphasize uniqueness and beauty.

Altyn brand products use cultured pearls of natural origin. Cultured pearls are pearls grown in natural conditions, but with some human assistance. It is necessary that pearls, for which they once dived into the depths, are now practically not mined. Back in the fifties of the last century, its production was banned internationally.

The cost of a “wild” pearl is from 100 to 100,000 dollars, and its difference from a cultured one can only be noticed by professionals under X-ray! Therefore, more than 90% of pearls in the jewelry world today are cultured. According to the technology invented by Japanese scientists, shell crumbs are introduced into the Pinctadamartensi oyster. And then the mollusks are placed in nets, fed, examined, treated for parasites, even the water is heated in the open sea... This is how a cultured pearl is born - just like thousands of years ago. Therefore, you can always be sure that when purchasing jewelry with pearls at Altyn, you will receive products with natural pearls at the best prices.

When and where were they made?

This tradition began in Ancient Mesopotamia, about 5,000 years ago, when stamp seals and cylinder seals were pressed and rolled into wet clay. From there it gradually spread throughout Minoan and Mycenaean Greece, Persia and Egypt.

Minoan blue chalcedony tabloid seal with three swans, late Palace period, circa 16th century BC. e. ¾ in length (1.9 cm). Sold for $118,750 on April 29, 2022 at Christie's New York

Around the 16th century BC, the Minoans began making small rectangular stamp seals. The tradition was lost towards the end of the Bronze Age, but was revived in the 6th century BC. e. with small oval intaglia, usually in the shape of a scarab beetle with an engraved underside.

During the 5th century BC. e. the details on engraved gemstones became finer, and by the 3rd century BC. e. The conquests of Alexander the Great allowed a flood of new exotic stones to spread throughout the Hellenistic world.

Greek blue chalcedony scarab with Aphrodite, Classical period, circa 4th century BC. 1⅛ in (2.7 cm) long. Sold for $187,500 on April 29, 2022 at Christie's New York

The Romans continued the Hellenistic tradition for intaglia and cameo. “The Roman writer Cicero once observed that people wore portraits of their favorite philosophers on their rings,” Bernheimer says.

The Romans also began making glass from which cameos could be carved, allowing for consistent and predictable layers of color. “The most famous example of this tradition is the Portland Vase in the British Museum, which inspired Josiah Wedgwood to create monochromatic pottery,” adds the specialist.


Turquoise is a special stone. Its deep, unusual color has attracted and fascinated for a long time. It is believed that turquoise is a symbol of unchanging and faithful love, protection from evil thoughts, and help in achieving a good goal. Linguists agree that the name of this most beautiful of gems came to us from Farsi. “Firyuza” among the Persians means high spirits, a blossoming flower, and the joy of friendship, and “piruz” means victory.

The ancient Greeks were sure that this was the stone of the goddess of love Aphrodite herself. The East also agreed that this stunning stone bestows good luck in love: here turquoise has long been a mandatory decoration for the bride. In jewelry, turquoise is usually used in the form of cabochons, often in irregular shapes. It goes well with other jewelry stones, gold and silver. There are relatively few reserves of this beautiful stone on our planet, and over time its price will only increase. So buy turquoise jewelry and let it become your good luck charm.


Amber is a petrified fossil resin, the hardened resin of the oldest coniferous trees of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene periods. Along with pearls, jet and coral, amber is an organic stone, that is, of organic origin. The color of amber varies from almost white to red-brown and almost black. Experts distinguish more than 350 shades of amber.

Amber is called the magic resin of the ancient forest. It is believed that with its golden hues, amber clarifies thoughts and helps in achieving plans. This is the sunniest, most positive stone in people's perception. Even the ancient sages noticed that amber jewelry heals and inspires a person. It gives strength and confidence, drives away evil and eliminates powerful negative energy. Amber is a stone of financial well-being, creativity, beauty, a stone of love and family harmony. It brings success to those who wear it. Amber does not age. And the more it comes into contact with human skin, the stronger it becomes. Therefore, in ancient times, people tried to wear amber constantly.

Today, amber mined on the shores of the Baltic is the most highly valued. This is due to the fact that the natural conditions in this geographical area allowed the formation of amber of stunning color and quality compared to, for example, Burma. Burmese amber is opaque and harder than Baltic amber. In “Altyn” you will find jewelry with Baltic amber for every taste. The widest range of rings, earrings, beads and bracelets made of amber will pleasantly please the most demanding buyer!

The history of the use of precious stones dates back thousands of years. People have always chosen something that delights the eye with its appearance and brilliance, is rare and lasts a long time.

Precious stones have always accompanied and helped humanity. Gems served as amulets and talismans. According to ancient legends, precious stones protect their owner from hostile forces and bring happiness and good luck. At the same time, it did not go unnoticed that each precious stone acts in a special way. Some protect from evil, others preserve health, others serve as an antidote and evoke the mercy of higher powers. Sailors of the Middle Ages firmly believed that precious stones contributed to a safe return from a voyage.

Both in ancient legends and in the research of modern scientists, there is indisputable evidence of the impact of precious stones and metals on human health and mental state. However, for such an influence of precious stones to take place, the selection of precious jewelry must be carried out by a qualified specialist. Jewelry should always be selected in detail and carefully, observing the person’s reaction. In ancient times, individual selection of precious jewelry was affordable only for rich and influential people.

Few people know, but in ancient times the person who possessed many precious stones was considered truly rich, and this is no coincidence. Precious stones carry strength and power, bestowing good luck on their owner. The forehead of the rulers of any ancient state was necessarily decorated with a crown or other headdress set with precious stones. Ancient sources say that if the crown is made correctly, it protects the ruler from all adversities. On the other hand, no one else can wear it without harming themselves. Remember the famous Monomakh hat - after the death of the owner, no one was able to wear it.

To the ancient Indian Rajas, jewelry made from numerous precious stones bestowed courage, bravery and good luck. From time immemorial, detailed instructions for selecting precious stones for a ruler’s crown have reached us. The stones were selected in such a way as to endow the king with imperious strength and power emanating from them. The Vedic chronicles cite a case when a king, wanting to defeat the ruler of a hostile state, gave him a crown, which a few days later caused an incurable illness in the king.

However, you should not go to the jungle of historical chronicles for examples. Any woman will tell you that it is pleasant to wear one piece of jewelry, as if you haven’t taken it off for many years, while another you want to take off almost immediately. The subconscious desire to remove a ring or necklace manifests itself in frequent touching of the jewelry. We may simply not pay attention to such people, but once we think about it, our minds are likely to conjure up the image of a woman fiddling with her earrings, seemingly out of excitement, or a man playing with a wedding ring on his finger.

It is difficult to deceive the subconscious - it reacts to the most subtle influences. But not everyone knows how to discern this in human behavior.

The paradox is that almost any person enjoys decorating himself with precious stones and metals, and almost everyone does it blindly, obeying some subjective aesthetic feeling, and rarely a feeling, or, even worse, the recommendations of astrologers from magazines advising everyone born to wear topaz. under the sign of Sagittarius, and punishing all Libras to wear opal jewelry.

Numerous medical bracelets advertised on every TV channel do not help everyone, but they perform their function, helping to stabilize blood pressure for many clients.

There is a confusion of concepts. On the one hand, people are ready to buy jewelry, because natural stones bring them good luck and health, on the other hand, they do not think about the fact that the stones must be selected individually - especially for them, and the procedure for selecting and replacing stones can take several weeks, until the ideal option is found.

It was this approach that formed the basis of the method of Dr. Torsunov, a man who devoted many years of his life to studying the effects of precious metals and stones on the human body. The information he gleaned from ancient texts stated: in ancient times, precious stones were worn not just as jewelry. They were carefully and individually selected for a person, taking into account his horoscope and temperament. The place where the precious stones were worn was also important, as was the way they were worn.

Without an individual approach to the selection of precious stones, it turns out that wearing them is not at all safe. At the same time, the question remained unanswered: is it right to wear precious stones simply as jewelry. The results of many years of research in the field of lithotherapy have yielded quite interesting results.

Surveys and surveys have shown that people who wear gemstones as jewelry can be divided into three categories: 1. The first category showed clear signs of negative effects of jewelry on health. 2. In the second category, no negative effects of jewelry on health were noted. 3. In the third category, a positive effect of jewelry on health and general emotional state was revealed.

So, as a result of a thorough survey, negative experiences of wearing precious stones were identified in the first category of respondents. Many of the respondents in this group noted that purchased jewelry is not worn all the time, but from time to time, on holidays. What prevents them from wearing jewelry all the time?

With the help of the conducted research, the following was established: in the process of wearing jewelry, many people experienced a certain malaise. For example, some time after putting on jewelry they experienced unpleasant sensations: heaviness in the head, pain in the lower back or chest, heaviness and strange heat in the body, weakness. Sometimes these ailments did not appear immediately, but, for example, the next day after the jewelry was put on. Moreover, some people in this category recalled that when they put on jewelry, they found themselves in the center of unpleasant events and their mood deteriorated.

Doctor Torsunov O.G. doubts arose: are these jewelry, which has such a negative effect, really made from natural, high-quality precious stones? A thorough study showed that almost all the stones that he suspected had a negative effect on health and emotional state were indeed natural and high-quality gems.

The second category of respondents argued that jewelry does not have any influence on them at all. After analyzing the stones these people wore, it was determined that most of their jewelry was made from either fake stones, artificially grown crystals, or "heated" gemstones.

The third, small category of respondents, who wore real precious stones as jewelry, stated that they experienced a clear improvement in health, mood, and even progress in the field of relationships with other people.

The doctor came to a discouraging conclusion: apparently, in our time, wearing artificial stones is much safer than natural ones. However, all ancient treatises unanimously claim that precious stones have a huge positive impact on human health and destiny. This prompted the idea to conduct serious research in the field of lithotherapy. Continuing his research, Dr. Torsunov turned to studying various methods and systems for wearing precious stones.

Research was mainly carried out in the direction of the practical use of jewelry made from precious stones. An important stage of the work was to study how safe it is to wear precious stones selected on the advice of an astrologer or purchased in a jewelry store. It turned out that the stones selected by astrologers helped some people, while others, on the contrary, were harmed. It is important to note that when interviewing people for whom the prescribed stones did not suit, some points were revealed that had not previously been taken into account. Indeed, most often when selecting precious stones, astrologers did not specify the following factors: the place where the stones should be worn, how to wear them, and what specific color the recommended stone should be.

If an experienced astrologer clarified these points, then the precious stones had a multifaceted positive effect on both the health and fate of their owner.

However, the most fortunate were those owners of jewelry made from precious stones, for whom astrologers themselves carefully selected jewelry and put it on at a favorable time.

The results obtained inspired Dr. Torsunov to develop a method for individual health-improving selection of precious stones. It took six years of hard work to create and test the developed methods in practice. The research was successful, and as a result, a unique method of individual selection of jewelry from precious stones was developed. In terms of accuracy and efficiency of selection, it has no analogues in the whole world.

What is the source of the gem's power?

Where do stones get their power from? The fact is that they tend to come into harmony with the positive energies emanating from the planets close to the Earth. Each planet fills its corresponding gemstone with a strictly defined type of energy. As a result, precious stones are imbued with great healing power that can affect the human body.

Let's name the planets of the celestial sphere that most affect precious stones: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (ascending node in Western astrology), Ketu (descending node in Western astrology). These planets affect not only the health and psyche of people, but also the course of events in our lives.

It has been established that these planets influence the activity of plants, animals and people in a certain way. As for precious stones, which have been filled with the energy of this or that planet for tens of thousands of years, they themselves begin to have a beneficial effect on all living things around. Of course, in order for this influence to truly become useful, you need to learn how to use these stones correctly.

How the healing effect of stones is related to the influence of the planets of the celestial sphere.

It turns out that each gem is filled with power, as a rule, from only one planet. This is the difference between precious stones and semi-precious ones, which are associated with the action of several planets at once. Thus, the beneficial effect of rubies, red tourmalines, and red sapphires is determined by the fiery power of the Sun. Accumulating in the listed precious stones, this fiery force, when the gem comes into contact with the human body, strengthens the fire of digestion, increases immunity, improves the structure of bone tissue, restores blood functions, and improves metabolism. The effect of precious stones that take power from the Sun on the human psyche is expressed in an increased sense of joy, self-confidence, and the desire to actively live and act. Thus, the Sun acts on us not only directly, emitting its light, but also through precious stones filled with solar power.

Just as the ruby ​​is powered by the power of the Sun, so many other precious stones, each in its own way, take power from one of the nine planets located near the Earth. For example, pearl and moonstone are in harmony with the Moon, emerald - with Mercury, diamond and white topaz - with Venus, yellow sapphire and yellow topaz - with Jupiter, blue sapphire, blue tourmaline and amethyst - with Saturn, red and pink coral, brown tourmaline - with Mars, gamete - with the shadow planet Rahu (in Western astrology - the ascending node), cat's eye - with the shadow planet Ketu (in Western astrology - the descending node).

The influence of these planets and their corresponding precious stones on our lives is studied by Vedic astrology. An experienced Vedic astrologer, knowing exactly the date of birth of a person, through an individual selection of precious stones, can help him overcome many illnesses, improve his character and improve his destiny.

We made an attempt to study in practice the healing power of stones described by Vedic astrology, and the results exceeded all expectations. It turned out that with the help of precious and semi-precious stones many diseases, often beyond the control of conventional medicine, are effectively treated. With the help of precious and semi-precious stones, in many cases we have been able to cure such intractable diseases as migraines, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, tuberculosis, anemia, mild degrees of schizophrenia and others. It is difficult to find a disease in which precious stones would not alleviate suffering.

Methods of treatment with precious stones.

Since time immemorial, gemstones have been used by all cultures of the world. Their beauty is unique in the entire mineral kingdom. The very word “gem” refers to the best in nature. Today's science provides a lot of information regarding the physical properties and chemical composition of gemstones, but does not provide any information about their therapeutic properties.

Since ancient times, precious stones have been used as jewelry and as a means of healing. In the healing practice of ancient medicine, precious stones are used in the preparation of elixirs and medicines that are taken orally. Among them, medicines made from the ashes and powders of precious stones are known.

Methods by which the liquid can be charged with the energy of gemstones are also described. For example, one of the ancient recipes recommends placing a gemstone at the bottom of a glass vessel filled with water and exposing it to direct sunlight. The presence of the gemstone allows the water to absorb the vibrating force of the sun. This effect increases when the stone water is exposed to direct sunlight. A qualified Ayurvedic doctor can mix different types of gemstone-infused waters to use these mixtures in personalized treatments.

The aura of the human body consists of seven colors of the rainbow. Whenever a lack of saturation of a certain color is detected, a certain organ becomes ill. These colors are embedded in precious stones in unlimited quantities and are never exhausted, even after many years of use. This is due to the fact that the life of a gemstone is much slower than human life. Ancient scriptures believe that one breath of a precious crystal can last for several hundred, or even several thousand years.

The healing power of gems.

In the process of developing this system of individual selection of precious stones, it was found that healing with the help of precious stones is in many cases much more effective compared to traditional methods of treatment. When treating diseases such as migraine, polyarthritis, diseases of the spine and nervous system, allergic and skin diseases, asthma, anemia, cerebrovascular accidents, diabetes mellitus, hypotension and hypertension, the therapeutic effect often occurs much faster than in the case of traditional treatment methods. . This effect is achieved provided that the stones are selected correctly. Often a few minutes are enough to feel their positive impact. The achieved effect has been consistently maintained for many years. Why is the healing effect of precious stones characterized by such durability and reliability? The fact is that their healing power does not fade over the years, and if you wear precious stones constantly, your health will constantly improve.

Several examples from the practice of Dr. Torsunov.

Stones establish a close connection between the planet and a specific person, regardless of how the person himself relates to it. This is not typical, but in the practice of using this method, I often observed how stones “rescued” even those whose attitude towards the method was initially skeptical. I remember one such patient - a seasoned KGB lieutenant colonel, whose wife, a strong supporter of Dr. Torsunov’s methods, persuaded him to wear stones. The husband, being a person prone to natural healing methods, agreed to wear minerals solely to “maintain peace in the family.” And the result gave me this very peace of mind.

Being a gambling man, our skeptic loved to drive fast, so it came as no surprise to anyone that one day he was involved in a cross-over accident, during which the car fell off a viaduct. Imagine the surprise of everyone who became an unwitting witness to the accident when the driver got out of the mangled car unharmed. In fairness, it should be added that material damage and a slight concussion also cannot be discounted, but it is obvious that the consequences could be much more dire. The links of the bracelet on his hands broke and the stones that protected the body and were responsible for overcoming obstacles were broken. Almost a year later, a similar incident happened again, but in more aggravated circumstances, and again the person was only slightly injured, and there were almost no stones left on his hands after the accident—a new set had to be selected. Now the lieutenant colonel is faced with a choice - either stop driving fast, or order a set with precious stones set in gold. Or maybe common sense will prevail and he will order a selection of stones that will help overcome harmful tendencies? We will soon find out about this, but he no longer doubts the effect of wearing individually selected stones.

Stones help us overcome difficult life trials, softening our perception of the situation, giving us a feeling of confidence that there is always a way out. But taking advantage of the possibilities of stone treatment, you yourself will need to sacrifice your habits of unhealthy eating, lack of physical movement and negative emotions towards the world around you. And believe me, the result will be worth all this effort.

Another case from the medical practice of Dr. Torsunov is very indicative. A former world champion in one of the most popular sports turned to him (sorry for the “secrecy”, but confidentiality of treatment requires this). Briefly, her story is this.

In sports life, situations often arise when a participant’s weight is measured before a performance and our heroine has repeatedly had to take drugs that allow her to lose up to five kilograms overnight. The reader can probably guess what they have to pay for this... The verdict of fate was quite harsh - in exchange for the pedestal, the deprivation of the most valuable gift for every woman - motherhood. As soon as a girl became pregnant, she developed a severe skin disease, leading to a miscarriage.

But that’s why a champion is a champion, so as not to give up trying to achieve victory, even if fate itself is in the hands of her rivals. She decided everything in one day - she switched to a healthy diet and at the same time underwent a course of treatment with precious stones according to the original method of Dr. Torsunov. After three months, an impressive result was achieved - the disease receded, and ten months later the godson was waiting for the doctor. Now our champion is not only a joyful mother, but a socialite, shining at receptions in unique jewelry.

Crystals are living beings.

Where does this amazingly stable healing power of gemstones come from? According to Vedic beliefs, certain types of rock contain life. It is no coincidence that these crystals are called precious: they have an amazing effect on human health and psyche. It is the vital energy that is present in the gemstone that allows it to have a beneficial effect on all living things. According to ancient texts, gems represent one of the primitive forms of life. Its duration is hundreds of thousands of years. We can't even imagine this!

So, many ancient texts claim that life actually exists in gemstones. What does life in stone look like? Precious stones are separated from the surrounding rock by a shell shaped like a cocoon. The sections of these cocoons resemble wood cuts. A number of signs indicate the presence of life in a gemstone. For example, concentric circles are visible on tree cuts, which indicate the annual growth of the tree and allow us to easily determine its age. You can see something similar on a cut of a gemstone cocoon. This means that a gemstone, like a tree, grows according to its life cycles. Most gemstone nuggets have similar circles or layers, or they are crystals enclosed in a cocoon. All this speaks of a certain, albeit little understood, type of life inside a stone cocoon.

Interestingly, modern science confirms that a gemstone grows from the inside and is divided by budding. So, next to large cocoons of precious stones you can find small “cocoons” budding from them. On this basis, it can be assumed that from one precious stone, budding, others grow. This is similar to the known method of reproduction. Now scientists are increasingly saying that stones show certain signs of life. There are even statements that the stone has its own breathing period, which lasts for years.

A picked and dried medicinal plant retains its energy for a long time. Likewise, precious stones extracted from a broken cocoon retain healing and psychic powers. The duration of the therapeutic effect of dried herbs or chemicals is no more than five to six years. In the case of precious stones, the effectiveness of their healing effects does not decrease even after hundreds of years.

Numerous practical studies have established that precious stones have an effect on energy flows in the body, on the nervous system and human mind. A correctly chosen gemstone can be worn as jewelry throughout your life and receive a charge of positive energy from it. Due to the fact that the disintegration of the stone and the decrease in its healing power will occur only hundreds of years after the start of wearing it, a person is unlikely to be able to noticeably deplete the energy of the stone during his relatively short life compared to the stone. In tens of years, decoration will have the same strong impact on health and character as it does now.

The power of gemstones: the healing aspect.

The influence of ruby ​​on humans.

Amazing and radiant, bright red and other shades of rubies (corundum) have numerous advantages. Rubies come in a variety of colors. Some of them resemble the color of blood, while others resemble the color of pomegranate seeds. Some rubies are red, like cinnabar, while others are yellowish-red, like saffron or shellac. Quality rubies should be evenly colored and have a soft glow emanating from their core when exposed to light. Illuminated by the rays of the Sun, these crystal specimens emit a glow of wonderful color and sparkle, reflecting light in all directions.

The beneficial effects of rubies, red sapphires and tourmalines are determined by the fiery power of the Sun. Accumulating in these precious stones, this power, in contact with the human body, strengthens the fire of digestion, increases immunity, and improves metabolism.

Its improper use can lead to insomnia. If selected correctly, wearing it for decreased digestion, polyarthritis, rheumatism, decreased immunity, diseases of the skeletal system and teeth will produce excellent results. Ruby also affects the human psyche. It increases responsibility, composure, concentration, efficiency, influence and power of a person.

The sun, acting through these stones, fills the human mind with a feeling of joy, self-confidence, desire to live and act. Ruby is one of the most expensive precious stones; its value can be equated to a diamond.

In India and China, ruby ​​has been used for thousands of years to improve health and increase happiness. Also, the power attributed to the ruby ​​in the East and in ancient Europe is its ability to predict danger. It predicts danger by exhibiting loss of color and luster.

Ruby is commonly used in Eastern astrology to strengthen the heart, improve digestion, improve circulation, restore body fire, and increase energy. Ruby strengthens the will, gives independence, intuition and increases a person’s mental strength. For this reason, this gemstone is called the “jewel of kings.”

Pearl (moonstone) Associated with the planet Moon and increases emotional stability, friendliness, contentment. It should not be worn alone if you are overweight, have disorders of the lymphatic system, or have metabolic diseases. Moonstone and pearls are used to calm the mind and give strength to the reproductive system. These stones are worn on the fingers in a silver frame (usually on the little finger and ring finger). They are also auspicious to wear as a medallion. But it is necessary to take into account that it is difficult for a person to understand where and how to wear a precious stone; for this, the help of a specialist is needed. In addition to all that has been said, we use these stones in the traditional ancient Eastern navaratna talisman scheme.

Wearing stones associated with the Moon is also used to treat memory impairment and fatigue. Moonstone has a particularly strong effect on women. Therefore, it is often used to treat menopause and female infertility.

Pearls and moonstone improve the body's metabolism, restore hormonal functions, improve sleep, normalize mental tone and blood pressure, and bring peace, tranquility and relaxation. Pearls should be free of color inclusions, and moonstone should be clean and matte-transparent.

Red (pink) coral. This stone is associated with the planet Mars. Therefore, wearing it stimulates courage, energy, penetration and the ability to win against opponents. Bright red corals are rarely suitable for Europeans. It is these corals that have a very hot nature. They are more suitable for people in very sunny climates. That's why we use pink corals more in our practice. But it is advisable not to use even them in case of increased sexuality and fever. However, wearing corals selected by a competent specialist is absolutely harmless even in these cases. Coral is extremely useful for immune disorders, decreased performance, physical and mental weakness, decreased digestion, joint diseases, and anemia.

Coral restores appetite and gastric digestion, gives strength to the voice, fills the liver with strength, improves the functioning of the bronchi, kidneys, uterus, male genital organs, gives a person’s character determination and the ability to withstand difficulties. Endows a person with an unyielding will, stimulates courage, energy, penetration and the ability to win.

Emerald Its influence is associated with the planet Mercury and therefore affects intelligence and good memory. Emerald can improve a person’s ability to communicate more vividly and confidently, and accelerates logical thinking. Emerald has a positive effect on heart rhythm, bile production, hormonal functions of the pancreas and thyroid gland, improves metabolism, improves memory, speech, and activates thinking processes.

This stone is very favorable for those who are engaged in business; it protects when concluding trade deals and conducting financial transactions.

Similar to coral, bright, intense green stones are rarely suitable for Europeans and are more often suitable for people living in hot climates. For this reason, in our practice, we often use emeralds of dull types, pastel colors, and light green.

Yellow Sapphire This stone interacts with the planet Jupiter. According to ancient scriptures, proper wearing of this stone increases a person’s goodwill, complaisance, mental activity and endurance, gives the character optimism and determination, wisdom, compassion and enthusiasm.

Yellow sapphire improves immunity, improves metabolism in the liver and pancreas, brain, normalizes fat metabolism, heals the lymphatic system, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and, in particular, on the brain. Wearing this stone brings good luck and prosperity.

Diamond (White Sapphire) This stone is associated with the influence of the planet Venus. It increases attractiveness, self-control, eliminates emotional vulnerability, brings composure and calmness. It gives a person endurance, the ability to be influential and successful. Also, a diamond has a good effect on creativity and gives a person grace and charm. It, like all other precious stones, has an excellent effect on health. Diamond and white topaz have a strong effect on metabolism, kidneys, lymphatic system, and genitals in women. They eliminate emotional vulnerability, improve hormonal functions and the condition of the skin, joints and spine, and bring composure and calm.

Blue Sapphire This stone is associated in its influence with the planet Saturn. It protects against accidents. Increases performance, nervous system activity, calmness, practicality, and endurance. Blue sapphire restores intestinal activity, vascular metabolism, treats joints and spine, improves the activity of the nervous system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, gall and bladder, kidneys, and metabolism. This stone must be selected especially carefully.

Gamete is associated with the planet Rahu, which in Western astrology is called the North Node. It has a pronounced protective effect. Gamete calms the psyche, increases warmth and responsiveness in character, and helps get rid of the oppressive influence of others. Protects against the bad influence of a computer, TV, mobile phone, gives clarity of consciousness and high spirits. Gamete has a beneficial effect on digestion, hormonal functions, cardiovascular system activity, and blood purity. Gamete treats immunity, skin diseases, hormonal functions, metabolism, hematopoietic functions, increases warmth and responsiveness in character.

Cat's Eye This stone is associated with the influence of the planet Ketu. In Western astrology this planet is called the south node. Cat's eye makes a person fearless, increases calmness, improves sleep (counteracts the bad influence on the psyche during sleep). It protects against any psychic influences on a person and is therefore a talisman. Cat's eye effectively treats the nervous system, hormonal functions, mineral metabolism in the body, circulatory disorders, skin diseases, cardiovascular pathology, mental illness, relieves excessive mental stress, and eliminates fears. It helps to cope with bad habits, strengthens willpower and mental fortitude, gives clarity of consciousness and general popularity in society.


Agate is one of the most beautiful chalcedony. Rich color palette: green, white, orange, red, brown, black, elegantly striped, with subtle color transitions and inclusions...

Sometimes agate is formed in layers, which, depending on conditions and additions, turn out to be different colors. The most beautiful is considered white, layered and shimmering. Warm colors: yellow, brown, orange are given to agates by iron, and if the agate is green, it means the mineral contains chlorides. Sometimes the pattern of green agate resembles moss, and sometimes nature creates real pictures: green forests and dark mountains. Manganese inclusions create a pattern reminiscent of wood; they are called dendritic agates.

Agate is a stone of peace and tranquility, kindness and fidelity. It has long been believed that it protects a person in risky endeavors. Astrologers are sure that this stone has a positive effect on representatives of all signs. It is not for nothing that the name itself is believed to come from the Greek word “agates” - happy! Buy jewelry with agates, believe in yourself and be happy!


In the "Library Journal"

states, "This sequel to
(Del Rey, 1985) confirms Hugarth's gift for comic fantasy as well as his talent for original storytelling." [2]

The Washington Post

stated that "Hughart's sly humorous tone and affectionate respect for our Western ideas about early China are what truly makes him special."
Hughart also includes a great deal of factual Chinese lore, and the very title of his book, and various accompanying details, pay homage to the most famous Chinese novel, more familiarly known as The Dream of the Red Chamber
. [3]

Christian Science Monitor

described the book as "Intricately nested plot frames [that] reveal and conceal mysterious oriental characters - people and calligraphy." [4]


Onyx is one of the varieties of agate. Its distinctive feature is stripes of red, white, brown, and black. It is believed that the thinner the stripes, the greater the value of the stone. Depending on the color of the stripes, this gem has many names: chalcedony-onyx (layers of sky blue coloring alternate with gray and white stripes), Arabic (white stripes harmonize with black shades), carnelian-onyx (a combination of gray and white stripes), carnelian (alternating red and white layers), sardonyx (stripes of white and brown colors).

Black onyx is especially valuable. He is truly stunningly handsome! Coal black color favorably sets off a woman’s delicate skin, emphasizes facial features and eye color. Convince yourself of the beauty of this stone by looking at these jewelry from the Altyna collections!

The luxurious black stone attracts all the rays from the surrounding space. Its velvety black depth absorbs all shades of the color palette. And among the magical properties they note the ability to increase internal energy and give strength. Perhaps this is why stylish products with black onyx are appreciated and often chosen by men.

Origin of the word "stone"

The word is of Slavic origin. Originally pronounced "kami" and used to refer to a solid physical body, an integral part of many instruments of the time.

Words and combinations similar in syntax were used by the peoples inhabiting the territory bordering the areas of distribution of Slavic tribes. For example, the Polish analogue sounded like “kamen”, the Slovak version sounded like “fireplace”, the Saxon version of the pronunciation sounded like “khamar”.

Jewelry made from minerals found during excavations of the tombs of the pharaohs

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